Monthly Archives: October 2008

MCA, Pony + Lucas Heights

I caught up with Tanja Kimme (an old friend and once flatmate) at the MCA yesterday. As much as I love the MCA sometimes I just walk out of there frustrated by how shit some of the work on display is, but right now they’re exhibiting the work of Yinka Shonibare and it’s absolutely amazing (and funny!). I suggest everyone go now, check it out, it’s free too.

Yinka Shonibare.

We had lunch at Sailors Thai, $25 dishes aren’t cheap for That food but it’s Sydney’s best Thai so after the meal no one was complaining!

Also, last night we had a big dinner with my family, and Christina’s at Pony. Definitely one of my fave restaurants at the moment. I got pretty wasted but Mum drove me home. On the way home some fucker was flashing her in the tunnel. I took out the camera, stuck my arm out the car and started taking pics of them (with flash of-course lol). I love doing that to slow down hoons on the road. I assume they get paranoid I might send in the photo to the authorities or something.

Today, being one of the hottest days around, and with a splitting headache and hangover from last night, I decided to go for a Lucas Heights ride with Clifton. I just wasn’t into it. Too hot, too tiring and a severe lack of confidence (I fell over pretty early on in the ride) and energy. We did manage to do one of the drops though, and I attempted the log ride but failed to clear it.

Reign pre-ride.

Clifton did this drop first, which then gee’d me on to do it.

My huck.

Log ride attempt, it’s a shitload steeper than the picture suggests.

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I saw a few strange things yesterday. Earlier on in the day I pulled over the side of the road to watch a male pigeon doing his mating ritual around a dead flattened pigeon in the middle of the road. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. I wish I had my video camera with me. Later that night I saw an old lady fall flat on her face. There was a crowd of people around her helping her, looks like she might have broken her hip. Horrible stuff.

We had the JDMST end of month meet at Fox Studios last night, quiet as it usually is at Fox, or anywhere in the east (when we have meets out west all hell breaks loose) with only about 30 or so cars rocking up on the night. I much prefer the smaller meets, it’s easier to get around and meet new people and the authorities are always a little more friendly and relaxed.

Speaking of the authorities:

Our resident Policeman opened his boot at one point to grab a pen for me and Suga couldn’t help herself when she saw his gear in the trunk.

SO cute!


Then everyone started having a go and getting silly – here’s Alan.

Suga putting on Police pants…

And top…


I love taking pics of photographers taking photos. Love the dynamic poses they get into lol.


RC madness.

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