Monthly Archives: April 2008

Freezing midnight ride

Went for a freezing cold midnight ride with Felix and Jing last night. I’m supper happy with the 16 tooth cog on the rear of the single speed. It’s perfect. I do spin out at 30km/hr but I’m fine with that. Funny, but I’ve never bunny hopped over a gutter before, on our way down Maroubra road I tried it over an island and it just felt natural so I’m happy with that too. I’m still unable to do long wheelies/manuals though. Something I’ll nail soon with more practise I’m sure. The pic above was taken by Felix, he’s got an awesome camera set-up (he took pics of my old Mitsubishi EVO TME too). Check Felix’s site here and a very high res version of the image above here.

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Urban pump track


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Thank goodness for eBay

Just as the Kuwahara Apollo came and went, so too did the Giant STP2 (which was also Christina’s B’day pressie). I decided it’s not the best bike for her, and will look for something more suitable soon. It’s a bit embarassing to give my suga a pressie, then take it back off her but it’s bought me more time and I’ll be sure to get it right next go.

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Sweep the leg

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AGDA First Five Out

I’ll be speaking at this event next week. Looking forward to it! I love public speaking :)

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KMC SuperLite X9SL

Going down! New chain came in the mail today. It’s a KMC SuperLite X9SL which weighs in at 211g (old one was 290g).

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Suga’s B’day drinks

Not sure why, but we ended up at Fox Studios again the other night. Hilarious as it made pub crawling damn easy :) Fox and Lion for dinner and beers, the Bavarian Cafe for Lowen Brau’s and shots, then the Strike bar for some drunken bowling. Highlight of the night was when Suga beat everyone on the breath test machine with a .182 reading (lol).

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Kona Paddy Wagon

This morning I took the Kuwahara Apollo out for a good spin and found that I just didn’t like it. It’s lazy geometry felt just that, lazy. The bike just felt slow. I went for a quick spin on my single speed straight after and found it so much more enjoyable (apples and oranges though).

Tonight Ben rocked up to a JDMST meet in his new B’day pressie to himself. A Kona Paddy Wagon, single speed with a flip flop hub so you can choose fixed, or freewheel. He had it in freewheel and I got to take it for a spin. It’s awesome. 42/16 gearing but even that was too light and I found myself spinning out. It’s a heavy bike but it’s so fast you can’t tell it’s weight when you’re rolling. All in all I’m impressed and it further justfied my dislike fo rthe Apollo this morning. Good thing then as I put the Apollo on eBay and it sold for $250!!! (inc shipping).

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Gotta love the stuff. She’s cleaned up treat!

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