Monthly Archives: March 2010

JDMST EOMM – KK’s 30th March 2010

JDMST had our very 1st meet in February 2005 at KK’s so this one was a little nostalgic. I only took a few shots, was too busy chatting away most of the time. I actually liked it that it was raining but I liked it even more that the old school came out. The people make a meet, here are a few pics:

Dinner at McDonalds – touch screen ordering system?! Cool if it was in Japan but freaky that it wasn’t.

Many more pics here.

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BMU crew rep it hard at the Mont 24HR race

The Bikes Move Us crew rep it at the Mont 24HR. I’m so proud of the boys, and how awesome do the Jerseys look?! View some absolutely amazing pics of this epic event HERE.

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Visual Response Project – now open for submissions

I know many of you reading this are creative types, yes you’re busy too (who isn’t?!) but I hope you guys consider submitting an entry to the 1st VR on the new INfront site.

The theme for this VR is “2010” and you can interpret that in any way you see fit. More details on INfront:


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Photos from’s first cruise

Huge day yesterday. Christina’s forum had it’s first cruise, 30+ cars, great people and perfect weather too! Some pics:

Up early = pain (for me anyways!).

Suga and little Jet.

Truck stop.

Little Ethan.

Many many more pics here:

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A guy in Darwin is keen on my car and this morning he sent a guy from to inspect my V35 Skyline. I also had another guy check it out later this afternoon so here’s hoping she sells.

$1.50 sausage sizzle at Bunnings Warehouse, too good to resist.

OSIR carbon wing which we were going to fit to Christina’s car (we needed to buy Sikaflex from Bunnings) but we’ve decided against it.

Christina’s printed out a route map for everyone coming on tomorrow’s cruise to Terrigal, how pro is she?!

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Wine and Dine Newtown

Gen and Suga.

Wine and Dine in Newtown.

Suga and I caught up with Gen last night who has new aspirations to start a fashion blog. We ate dinner at Wine and Dine on the main strip in Newtown and we were the only ones in there but that didn’t stop Gen from getting excited and speaking as loud as if we were in a loud and packed out restaurant (too much clubbing I think?!). Strange the place was so empty though, shame as the food was decent!

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SUGA’s R32 Golf Feature on JDMST

Christina’s R32 Golf is now featured on JDMST – Click here to check it out.

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VWG April Photo Contest – Theme: ”Black and White”

black white

suga vw golf r32


Hmmm. I can only submit one, but I’ve had fun with a few above :) You can view the entries so far here

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I’ve seen this guy around a few times outside. He’s awesome at killing massive spiders (mostly huntsmen), ripping their legs off then flying away with just their fat bodies.

Today I was just working away in the office (aka man cave) and this fella came buzzing in! I have no idea how he got into the house. I assume under the garage door perhaps. I freaked out, ran out of the room (it’s not easy to run out of here as I have to go around the desk!) and slammed the door shut. I grabbed the spray from upstairs and in a whimpy fashion I sprayed the fuck out of my office. He didn’t sound too happy, his buzzing got louder and he was smashing into walls and windows but he finally fell to the ground. Poor guy, amazing creatures, didn’t mean to kill him but I wasn’t brave enough to somehow catch him and let him out.

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Remedial Massage

Mum made these potato thingies she’s been making ever since I was a kid. I love getting over there early to eat them straight off the pan. I can’t help but act like a manga cartoon when I’m eating them, you know, shove them in whole and make nom nom nom noises whilst you’re eating them.

Mum had a Remedial Massager over at her place so Christina and I took advantage of her services, she’s cheap and she hurts bad! We both feel a little sore today, not quite bruised, but definitely worked!

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