Monthly Archives: January 2014

Chinese New Years

Lobster and Parrot Fish!

Ronnie and Kim.

Whipping out them red packets!

38 and I’m still getting red packets lol.

Jess scored a couple of red packets and chocolate!

Enter the Lion.

Gobble gobble.

The Three Sisters – Lely, Helen and my Mum!

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2014 Roadster Days Calendar

A mate of mine Thomas Chung dropped in to Zen today to give me a gift, this lovely 2014 Roadster Days Calendar which I’ll be proudly displaying in my office.

Better yet, he gave me the keys to his Lotus Elise which I promptly took for a blat around the block!

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Mary’s Newtown

Hit up Mary’s in Newtown again. Cheeseburger with added bacon, so good. Double dipping fries into that mash. SO GOOD!

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The Fish Shop – Potts Point

The Fish Shop – Potts Point.

Great chips (always important!), yummy batter that wasn’t too oily and that tartare sauce… delicious!

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Haircut, the first since I was 15

Sitting nervous, excited!

Hey Mimi!

Al done! Really happy, no more mullet, can’t quite see the grey highlights but they’re there!

I’ve been cutting my own hair with clippers ever since high school. IE: I’ve never gone to a hairdresser since I was around 15 years old! The broners have been really getting into going to the barbers together, and they’ve inspired me to get my hair cut.

A few years ago ex-JDMST Moderator and good mate Shiri/Carey introduced me to Mimi, a friend of his. Carey’s always got rad hair and always praised how awesome a hairdresser Mimi is, so booking in with her was a no brainer!

Mimi works at Dj’s Hair Artistry, on the lower floor of Westfields in the city. Nanami came along for some support and guidance. I really wanted to get rid of my mullet (which I’ve had forever), Mimi sold me on the cut and Nanami suggested the light grey streaks. Loved the head massage (lol), no idea how I’m going to maintain this on my own, but I’m really happy and would highly recommend a booking with Mimi (who’s such a rad chick!).

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Australia Day

First stop: 212 Blu in Newtown.

Chai and Coffee. Grey cups for a grey (and rainy) day.

I went for the Boss One Hander; Shaved leg ham, poached egg and slaw. Delish!

Nyaw friendship rings!

Next stop: Carriageworks in Redfern.

Christian Boltanski’s massive installation “Chance”.

Slow Jazz and chills at Cornerstone Bar & Food within Carriageworks. Loved the building, couldn’t help but dream of a similar space for Zen Garage.

Next stop: White Rabbit Gallery in Chippendale.

Such an impressive building, really loved the show too.

Next stop: Central Park.

The place was dead, but the whole mall and surrounds are nice actually, loved the Melbourne/Japan/community vibes.

Next Stop: Watsons Bay. The sun finally came out in the afternoon so Jess and I headed straight to the water.

The Hotel was packed so we settled for Doyles on the pier. Sydney Rock Oysters, fish, scallops, bliss!

Next Stop: Messina! Coconut Lychee’s my thing.

And Jess loves affogatos.

When we got back to Jess’ place her flatmate and friends were about to get anhialated on this vodka infused watermelon!

And Jess was in the mood to bake a Black Star Bakery Strawberry and Watermelon cake (SO good!).

My Mum’s B’day falls on Australia Day every year and we usually celebrate it with lots of booze and a BBQ, but plans fell through this year as my nephew Leo isn’t well.

Jess didn’t have anything planned so we hooked up and had a spontaneous day of rummaging around Sydney, which turned out to be a great big day out!

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Tuning the Zoomer

I got to work late today (oops) and boom, this is what I’m greeted by (PORN!!!).

Love Ryan’s bike, but Mikes CB was new to my eyes, so gorgeous!

Ryan had already removed the carb and was right into cleaning it when I got there.

Jet kit at the ready. I didn’t have a d-shaped pilot screw tool, and the screw was screwed in pretty tight. The boys persisted and in the end they took apart a fancy pen I found on my desk, made it D-Shaped and got it out. They then dremelled out a slit in the screw so we can use a flathead screwdriver to adjust it in future.

Carby back in, spark plug cleaned, old fuel drained and new fuel in. She started up pretty nice first go.

Mike and Ryan fine tuning the idle.

When I bought the Honda Zoomer off Paul many years ago, it never started nice (took a lot of work to get it going). After I was done modifying it to where it’s at today it started up even worse. I’ve always been meaning to take it down to the guys at Deus down the road to tune to carb but Ryan Lewis, the beautiful man that he is, suggested that he’d love to have a go, and that he did today!

The Zoomer now starts and runs beautifully. Riding it around the block was hilarious fun (as expected!). Ryan and Mike both had a go too, the grins on their faces on return said it all. Can’t believe it’s taken me so long to get around to this! Next up, a full detail job, then maybe a photoshoot :)

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Jump around, jump around. Jump up jump up and get down! Nanami and I finally got to Stonehenge, a re-imagined life-size inflatable at Hyde Park. Rolled my ankle (lol old man) but had heaps of fun!

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Could not resist checking out ‘Cranium’, a skull art exhibition held at M2 Gallery in Surry Hills (because I love skulls!).

The Dirt. My fave piece on the night.

Skateboard Parking Only.

I so need a Sophia Fitzpatrick ring!

Mike Watt’s piece could have been mine if I didn’t rock up so late.

Dressed for the occasion. Lachlan Bruce’s back.

Loved Amy Sutherland’s working retro fridge.

The infamous Young Henrys!

Amazing piece by Meghan Byrne.

Yup, wow. Loved both pieces by Atong Atem.

Lovely piece by Caryn Griffin.

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Fender bar stool were a nice touch!



Kurt. Love. Forever.


Noms! Calabrian Pork Burger.

Crispy and soft polenta chunks, served with gorgonzola sauce.

Where the grass is green and the girls are pretty.

Nanami took Krysti and I to Vasco tonight, an awesome little bar on Cleveland st. Walking into the place was like a time warp to high school/uni days. Basically looked like my bedroom! We’re talking Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Sonic Youth!!!! My eyes couldn’t settle! Loved the atmosphere, cocktails and food were good too!

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