Category Archives: Spacewalk

I’ve resigned from Threesome & Spacewalk

I just had a few people ask about what’s going on and if I’m all good. I’m like what?! It turns out Nick, Chris and Dianne have made an official post about my resignation on Threesome socials.

Just to explain; I wasn’t digging the vibes since coming back from Africa. I stuffed up by posting a BTS on socials that I didn’t have the go ahead on (that’s just how I do things!), but fucking up kinda fucked me up in the process too. To be successful as a team I had to put the guys in front of me as it’s not MY business, it’s OUR business. I disrespected concerns about doing things the way I do things and that was a mistake… but I’ve worked my ass off to be good at what I do best, and going forwards I feel that if I can’t do what I do best with Spacewalk and Threesome then I can’t and don’t want to be a part of it.

Threesome and Spacewalk have been like crutches for me this year, holding me upright. Without the businesses I could potentially go backwards, back into a hole and not fitting in with the world, but compromising to a point where shit seems to work better for making money is not what I want, or believe in, nor what I want to believe in and ultimately what I feel is right to me is still more important to me than anything else.

I completely respect that the guys want to run a legitimate business, but it’s not something I want to do going forward. Of-course I haven’t added any unnecessary complexity to leaving both companies and I sincerely wish the best for the guys.

As to what I’m going to do next? Well I’ve never been the type of person to have a Plan B (as that would take away giving Plan A absolutely everything!), so time will tell. Financially I’ll be AOK with the money I make from photography, Patreon, ZEN and the forums. So, here’s to 2020!

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Finding Space

We (Spacewalk) put together this little video for Leslie.

Hate is a strong thing, and sometimes, whether we like it or not, negativity gets under the skin making for some sleepless nights.

Online forums were once pretty awesome. JDMST build threads were amazing, and I don’t know how many times I had to take threads down as owners couldn’t handle the negativity. Funny thing is, despite having 5+ pages of positive comments, the handful of negative comments were usually enough to make people message me to take their threads down.

Enter The Space. A forum where you can post without judgement.

We’re proud to be backing cancer survivor Leslie Lau’s passion project: FINDING SPACE.

We are each blessed to live in such an incredible age of progress and possibility. It is truly a wonderful time to be alive.

At the same time, the modern world is a precarious place in which to navigate, filled with corruption, judgement, and unrelenting pressure.

It can be an extremely toxic environment and at times near-impossible to discern between what is truth and what is fiction.

Here at Finding Space, our community is about just that – creating and finding ‘space’ from all the busyness and noise of the modern world.

A safe space where we dare to be who we are, not who we’re told to be. Where we are courageous enough to step from the conventional path. Where we honour and nurture the innate curiosity within us. Where we encourage and celebrate complete authentic expression.

If you resonate with these words, visit us at to discover more, and feel free to share this with anyone who you believe aligns with our principles and values.

To join the community, visit:

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Chen Lu





It’s a small world. I’ve had SO many cases of 7 degrees of separation and coincidences in my life that they rarely surprise me anymore. What I tend to do these days is just acknowledge that I’m not in control of my own life, and to just embrace these instances.

On my recent trip to Africa I met Jane, who, on returning to Sydney, let me know about an art show that a good friend of hers Chen Lu was putting on at yuill|crowley gallery in Potts Point. She thought Chen and I had a lot of things in common, and that we’d get along. She sent me a link to his web site, and to my surprise I had just visited his site a few weeks earlier when I was looking for site design inspiration. The site was made by Zann St Pierre, my Australian INfront business partner, small world!

I invited my Spacewalk team mates to Chens show and we made a day of it. Chen designs objects, furniture and spaces. From his site:

In each project Lu starts with Malevich’s black square and within the boundary of this infinity he questions or proposes another way of seeing and experiencing our relationship with the world around us.

When Lu applies this exercise to objects they develop an ambiguous function. Lu’s objects invite interaction intended to stir the users’ imagination. The abstract forms challenge object-memory, promoting creative thinking and personal insight.

Lu has produced works for Hermés, Paspaley Pearls, Monument Magazine, Vogue Living, Belle, Art and Australia, Billy Kwong (Surry Hills), Simon Johnson, Bill Granger, Ondene, Broached Commissions, Ullens Centre for Contemporary Art (UCCA), and Yuill Crowley Gallery.

Chen is awesome. His work is too (find lots more of it on his site linked below). All photos above by Nick.


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Grid Life!





Screen Shot 2019-11-14 at 1.51.09 pm

We’ve been pretty busy working with clients, and we’ve not been able to spend too much time on developing our own brand assets.

Today I’ve been getting tight on a Keynote/PDF proposal template for Spacewalk Agency which is very much inspired by tech drawing class back in high school where every drawing we did had to have a thin border and info box on the bottom right corner.

IE: Less is more!

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Roughly 6 men take their lives each and every day in Australia. Grow your mo this month of Movember to raise awareness of men’s suicide!

Burgers make me happy, so more than happy to be working with Burger Me Up (previously Chur Burger in Surry Hills) on this Movember graphic for their socials!

For more information on Movember, visit:

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Finding Space








BTS shoot with cancer survivor Leslie Lau. We’re (Spacewalk) creating a special 1 minute video for him to use on socials to invite people to join his new community Finding Space, a space from the busyness, noise, and pressure of living in the modern world.

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Losing is losing


It’s hard to lose in an age where coming dead last wins you a participation award.

My team recently got invited to pitch for a $30k job. Long story short, we lost it.

We’ve had a week now to digest the loss. Looking back, we went from; being excited to be working on a product that was good for the world, to putting together an amazing team of creatives which we respect to help us execute this job as best we could, to putting a hold on a professional photo studio, to submitting a transparent and itemised proposal, to sitting around for a week with everything crossed with butterflies in our stomachs, to doubt, to confirmation on the loss, to disappointment, anger and sadness.

Highly influential entrepreneur Gary Vee suggests that he fucking loves to lose multi-million dollar pitches as he gets to learn from each loss. With that in mind we’ve tried to get the client to open up and give us feedback on our pitch, if he saw anything wrong with it, and how we could have bettered it. He gave us a few insights on what we got right, but was a little grey about what we got wrong.

So where did it all go wrong? Well, perhaps it didn’t go wrong, and rather than sitting here post loss trying our best to gain wins from losing, maybe just realising that we can’t always win and accepting the loss is the best way forward.

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The Kickz Stand Media Wall Photos


Photos from the TKS media wall that we ran at “It’s More Than Just Sneakers” last weekend are up on ZEN Blog! Visit:

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Twitter & LinkedIn


Always late to the bandwagon these days… I’ve had invitations to join and connect with people on LinkedIn for so many years but I’ve never bothered with it. I’ve finally set mine up (it’s a start?!).

My LinkedIn:


I’m also going to give Twitter a go! Turns out I’ve already got an account:

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KPOP in da house!

Our new sales girl Kristi! Follow her: @kristi.jade

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