Monthly Archives: August 2011

Goodies in the mail

Got a couple of goodies in the mail yesterday. This awesome lucky cat T-Shirt from Golden Saddle Cyclery in LA. I love it!

And an invite to Shirley and Jing‘s wedding!

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Infront Insight #06: Sebastian Chan


Inside the store.

A shot from outside. Love the reactions of passers by.

A view from upstairs.

Apple had this leaflet floating around on the tables in the shop advertising our next talk. Vince Frost.

This was INfront’s bar tab at Grasshopper. Wave the tape to magically get food and booze for free.

Grasshopper bar tucked away in a lane behind George St.

A cozy affair inside. Very Melbourne.

On the way out.

Last night we (INfront) put on our 6th Infront Insight events at the Apple Store in Sydney. This time around we got the amazing Sebastian Chan to present for us.

Seb’s the Head of Digital, Social and Emerging Technologies at the Powerhouse Museum. I’ve had the pleasure of working with him in the past (Caryn and I designed the Powerhouse Museum web site years ago, and we’ve done other website work for them since) so it was great to catch up with the guy.

Before the talk I Googled “Sebastian Chan” and found lots of images of the guy speaking (he recently did a TEDx talk). It took me 3 pages before I found an image of Seb behind the decks. Yup, rewind back to the mid 90’s and Seb was up on a very different stage. I used to load up on drugs and dance to this guy’s electro music at raves (specifically analog electro, Clan Analogue to be precise).

His talk about “Museums of the Future” was awesome. I had no idea he was doing so much online technology work for the Powerhouse. Some of the stuff he was presenting was mind blowing. Heat maps for what content people are looking at online, even heat maps to track how people walk through an exhibit. It’s all big brother like technology used for good and makes me want to work harder at understanding my own web statistics and using that data to further improve both exposure and user experience.

Afterwards we hit Grasshopper, a bar tucked away in a lane off George St (you would never know it was there) for drinks and some great bar food. We’re about to lose Seb to New York, it’s a big move but he’s a wanted man with a lot to give and I wish him all the best.

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Taking forum dramas offline

Showdown in Homebush.

As a moderator of a forum I try my best to sit in the middle (when I voice an opinion I usually get hammered). My job is to try and keep the peace.

Today Christina and I had a meeting with a kid (he’s 17) who’s turned one of our forums upside down. We banned him for 3 months but his ban has expired and now he’s back on the forums. Everything was AOK for a little while, but a recent outbreak has us back at square one.

It’s hard to stop this kid from posting silly things (we were all kids once right?) but it’s just as hard to stop long standing members from bullying him for posting silly things.

It was crazy hard for us to meet him, and his mother (he’s on his L’s so had to have here there to supervise his driving) and lay it all on the line for him. We told his mum about the bullying (damn was he embarrassed). As awkward as it was, we got it all out, offered some constructive suggestions and now we’ve just got to hope things change for the better.

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It’s All About Stance Dyno Day

Photo by J_Hui.

JDMST sponsored a dyno day out at Dee Why yesterday. Sun was out, vibe was great and there were some pretty hardcore cars there too. More words, and pictures on Zen Garage (I’m loving the extra effort I’ve been putting into writing for Zen Garage!). Visit:

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Yum Cha

Prawn + Almond balls.

Yum Cha at Palace with the family, always a hardcore affair. More people, more dishes, more full!

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Baby Miles week five

Now sleeping by day! Mohawk growing strong.

Posted in Uncategorised | 1 Comment Homebush Meet ‘n Greet

Due to last minute all over the place organisational skills, last night I had 2 forum meets on at the same time, in different locations. A meet at Homebush and a JDMST meet in Blacktown.

I had intentions to attend the JDMST meet, but before driving out I thought I’d drop in to the VWG meet first, and perhaps make my way to Blacktown afterwards. I picked Christina up from work, got caught in killer traffic on the way to Eastwood (to get her car) and when we got to Homebush I got a call to warn me not to bother going to the JDMST meet as it was pitch black (no street lights) and no parking either.

Homebush was pretty packed out too, we had a big bunch, hung around for a while then drove to Rhodes to take photos of the cars in more light (at that stage I put the camera away and did the social thing instead!).

Many more photos here and photos from the JDMST meet (400 cars strong apparently!) here.

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A while back I posted part of a skate video which my highschool mates and I used to watch back in the day. This particular clip got me so psyched to ride hard, every single time. Part of what makes it so awesome is the song in the first half and late last night I somehow stumbled upon the song and band (I was so giddy it wasn’t funny, still am this morning, just not as giddy as I was last night).

The band is McRad (lol) and the song title is Weakness. I didn’t hesitate to buy the track from their myspace page and I’ve added it to my new TUMBLR too of-course (more on that soon).

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Supporter decals

Nippy from Nippy Signs/First Stripes came around to drop off the silver JDMST and supporter decals today. They look awesome. Click on the images for more information.

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Opti-Coat Review

$200’s worth in this 40cc syringe.

Dave from Reflect Effect, working his magic.

Bonnet has never been this clean.

I’ve never been a fan of the concept of paying the premium for a new car, then being shoved into the little room with a sales person trying to drill you for even more cash for paint protection.

The outcome of this heated discussion got me a deal to review the Opti-Coat product on my own car to put my doubts to rest.

Opti-Coat claims to be the ultimate paint protection product on the market today. It’s basically a clearcoat like your stock clearcoat, only a lot stronger and longer lasting. A quick search on YouTube has people scratching at their Opti-Coated cars with steel wool with no ill effects, even paint thinners have no effect on it.

My full (and ongoing) review can be found here.

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