Category Archives: Family

Catchups with Sean




Dropped in to Deus.

The future is electric.

Mango French Toast.

Was looking for a jacket, settled for a hat.

Awesome catchups with old friend Sean Torstensson. It’s been way too long! Sean’s MS has gotten pretty bad so he’s now using an electric mobility scooter. He calls it “Bumblebee” (it legit transforms!).

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Catchups with old school mates




Great catchups with Fritz, Bipro and Richard from High School last night. Quality conversations; memories and life at 50 and beyond!

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Great catch up last night with my Brother From Another Mother Eugene (who was also born in 1975). We grew up together as toddlers (my mum and his mum lived in the same flat in Randwick), and despite going to different schools, we hung out most weekends throughout early high school.

Gotta say, he’s looking a lot better for his age yeah? He’s a good boy though, pretty sure I look older because of all the drugs abuse!

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Pulling Weeds, Folding Laundry

You can buy your copy on Leslie’s site:

Cancer survivor and good friend Leslie has published his first book, ‘Pulling Weeds, Folding Laundry’. I don’t read books, but excited to read this!

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Great week of catching up with old friends

Beers at The Rosebery Hotel with Richie.

Had such an awesome week catching up with old friends. Got a call from my bestie Liz, Kristi came around to pick up a massive artwork of hers from Maroubra and beers at my local pub with an old school mate. Life’s so good!

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Monday Morning Rant – The GT-R gets towed away and a Mountain retreat with Viv

Had a bit of a wobbly towards the end of the week. Juggling a little too much, must chill the fuck out.

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30 Year High School Reunion


Smaller pre-meet at the pub.

Official meet at the cross.

Year 12 photo by Peter Furey.

A shot of me on the day I got my L plates and playing in front of the whole school (also shot by Peter Furey).

I attend my 30 Year High School Reunion. I had a bully apologise and I find out that an old mate has bowel cancer and his wife is expecting next week.

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For the Wynns



Some of my Xmas haul for 2021!

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Catchups with Lucas Mclellan

Happy drunk.

Kristi Mclellan is one of my best friends and I love her whole family and so it was SO awesome catching up with Lucas (he’s Kristi’s big brother) and meeting his girlfriend Taylor yesterday.

It turns out that Lucas’ girlfriend Taylor is an official photographer for Suicide Girls and was in Sydney to shoot some models (both Lucas and Taylor live in Melbourne), so awesome they had a free day and the energy to come hang out as Lucas and I had so much to catch up on and reminisce about; everything from JDMST to ZEN Garage, friends that have come and gone, drug abuse, bad times and overcoming them.

Was a rad day, lotsa love. So wholesome!

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Steak and Duck Fat Fries at The Morrison.

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