Monthly Archives: November 2014

Clay Shooting

How’s my stance? Olympic Champ Suzy Balogh from Hitting Targets was an awesome instructor!

Love it when the shells pop out!


Little Shirley, big gun!

Jingers taking aim.

Mead looked the part.


Alissa, striking a pose.

The controller which launches the clays.

B’Day boy Eddie at the ready.

Eddie’s Instagram is one that I actually love following, check it out (you’ll understand what’s going on in this picture!):

Finished off with a great pub meal at The Historic Como Hotel.

Lovely place, shame about all the power lines!

Celebrated Eddie’s B’Day with Clay Shooting yesterday. Have never shot a gun before (was inevitable, right?!), was mad fun. I loved it!

I got there a little early, and walking around the car park seeing so many guys with guns out just felt so surreal. Seeing guns on picnic tables, guns everywhere! Shooting and hitting targets was actually easier than I thought it would be (I was prepared to not hit a thing!). Recoil wasn’t bad at all (was worse in my mind), though it was funny watching it catch a few people off guard! Ejecting shells is mad! Smells so good too! Highly recommend it for anyone who’s never had a go, we all paid around $100/head and they use competition bullets made in Italy, considering they’re about $1.50/$2/bullet and you get 40 or so shots, that’s great value!

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Rosamina Photoshoot #2

Here’s a raw, unedited straight off the camera.

Had another shoot today with Rosamina. I’m getting the hang of the Sony a7S, using the viewfinder instead of the screen all day, still awkward (my shut eye won’t stay shut I feel like I need to wear an eye patch!!!!!) but I’m getting there! I might even make the move to start playing with Lightroom?! I’ve got it, but have never used it.

PS: All the edited photos are now live on my photography portfolio site:

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New Photography Portfolio.

I’m a WordPress guy (well, an HTML guy actually, wish I could turn back time and dominate the web like I did once in the 90’s lol), but recently I’ve been thinking about setting up a photography folio of some sort as tumblr is just not cutting it (6 months into shooting and I’ve got too many images now, and with tumblr I can’t re-organise or sort images).

I started looking into some WordPress base themes but failed to find the right solution (short of hacking to death and using plugins to make it all happen). My developer flatmate suggested I look at Squarespace. I did some research, played with a demo for a few hours and found it pretty damn impressive in regards to getting your content onto a site as quickly and as easily as possible. It’s a bit buggy, and starts to take a toll on your browser (I had to close the window a couple of times and log back in to get it up to speed again).

You can check out my work in progress so far (I signed up for 12 months at around $170 with the use of a coupon code). PS: NSFW Nudity Warning!). Visit:

Posted in Design, Photography | 2 Comments


Had a mandate (lol) with Alain yesterday, we checked out Brewristas, Kevin’s amazing new Coffee shop in Glebe.

The shop is right across the road from the markets, what a mad location! Leafy, lovely. Inside it’s still a WIP but already, the vibe is amazing. It’s quite spacious inside with 3 distinct spaces (we went for the courtyard out the back!), but it’s comfy in there, cozy but interesting, especially with all the hardcore coffee gear sprinkled around the space.

Like this siphon. Kevin from Brewristas tells us that coffee and science has always gone hand in hand, in fact, this is similar to how Albert Einstein brewed his coffee and that his method has been refined and improved over time.

First stop: The Menu, which tells the Brewrista story well, and was loaded up with so much fancy coffee (and a legit chef in whites making amazing food too!) that we felt lost, luckily all the Brewristas staff are there to educate, and before we knew it we were geed for what was to come.

There’s a LOT of coffee on the menu, but these are Brewrista’s 3 babies. Cold Brew, Brewmondae and Brewtea. All 3 are produced by gently dripping filtered water through freshly grounded coffee for 12 long hours resulting in smooth, syrupy & aromatic coffee. Love the health warning labels on the bottles, massive buzz, cold and refreshing, perfect for summer!

Alain dug the Brewtea the most (a perfect fusion of tea and coffee = double caffeine!), the Brewmonade which is fused with homemade lemonade has to be the most interesting of the 3, an acquired taste which will for sure have you craving it before you know it. Personally I loved the Cold Brew, perfection!

We couldn’t resist Kevin’s Balls (haha). Spicy little balls filled with roasted pork belly, tofu, kimchi, sweet potato, all encrusted with shin ramyun.

Out the front the guys are still serving Caps, but the hardcore coffee station where all the special stuff is made is out the back.

Boss man Kevin left his hardcore coffee station to come chill with us for a bit. 14hr long days but it’s all paying off, he’s onto amazing things with Brewristas. Sydney and coffee might never be the same again.

Cold Brew Station.

Visit: Brewristas 73 Glebe Point Road Glebe – – Facebook:

Finally got to drop in to Kevin’s new cafe Brewristas in Glebe yesterday with Alain. It’s next level, it’s going to change coffee culture in Sydney, mark my words!

Posted in Food | 1 Comment

Little Bay Beach & Black Betty Espresso Co.

Scorcher today. Got a message from Krysti: “drop everything that you’re doing, let’s go for a swim at Little Bay Beach!”. Nek minnit…

I used to come here a lot as a kid (Dad used to take the whole family and he used to rock fish whilst I played in rock pools all day).

After our dip we did a bit of rock pooling, then we thought we’d get some lunch. Not sure about you guys, but I’m always starving when I come out of the water!

We dropped in to check out Jonno’s new shop “Black Betty”. Krysti so passes as Black Betty, don’t you think?!

I got a mad park, right outside :)

It’s next door to the Subway, and shares the same space, which is a little strange, but Jonno’s done really well with the interior design, really spacious, inviting and comfy.

The menu. I’d pretty much like to order one of everything please!

We went for the poached chicken and slaw over toast. Was so delish, not a bit of it was left on the plate when we were done. The slaw itself has a very subtle Asian flavour to it ,very nice.

We also went for the fancy ham, cheese and tomato sandwich which went next level thanks to a dash of French truffle oil.

And of-course, we couldn’t resist the cronuts!

A guy from Single Origin dropped off some new coffee whilst we were there.

Jonno was pretty excited to give it a go using this Japanese contraption that very much looked like a hardcore coffee bong.

We had it both hot and cold. Subtle, light, SO good cold! Really reminded us of drinking cold coffee out of drink machines in Tokyo.

Long time JDMST member Jonno Sea (one of the OG’s! AKA Rodent on the forums) has opened his 2nd coffee shop, this time around it’s named after his black MX-5 Betty, and the guy is bringing hipster culture to Kingsford/Kensington, which I think is a brilliant idea (there’s plenty of Asian food here already!).

Black Betty Espresso Co.
231 Anzac Parade, Kensington

Posted in House | 2 Comments

Cliff to Coast Feature on Zen Garage


In Ya Get.


The Cliff to Coast Feature is now live on Zen Blog (with Ved’s photography and my commentary). Visit:

Posted in Cars | 2 Comments

Cliff to Coast Sports Car Drives

A few weeks ago I got an invite from Gavin Little of Cliff to Coast Sports Car Drives to come out and enjoy a day of driving 911’s through the twisties. He also asked me to extend the invite to Pauline Nguyen, which I did, and it all came together yesterday; A glorious day of spirited driving with a diverse fleet of 911’s and just as diverse and interesting people to enjoy the day with.

Ved came along as well, so look out for a full feature on Zen Garage Blog soon. I only rattled off a few shots (as I was too busy driving, and chatting!), so for now, enjoy my thoughts on the various cars I got to drive (I’ve excluded the Boxster as I failed to take a photo of it, but hey let’s face it… I was here for the 911’s!).

For more info, visit:

Pauline and I were a little late due to horrible morning traffic, but hey, we made it!!! This is what greeted us when we got to Cliff to Coast Sports Car Drives which is situated in a business complex in Helesnburgh.

Gavin introduced us to the other people participating on the drive day with us. He made an effort to make sure it was going to be an interesting group of people, and too right we all got along really well throughout the day! The first car I got to drive was the 993, such a gorgeous shape. To my surprise it was auto! The auto held gears fine, but it just didn’t do it for me. The weighted assisted steering though, it’s to die for. The brake pedal needed serious muscle too, got to love old school! If this 993 was a manual it would have been my fave car of the day no doubt (would be so nice with a bit more sound too, would be perfect!).

Walkie talkies were used so Gavin could announce turn-offs and other important information whilst we were driving.

First stop: Brekkie at Cliff Hangar Cafe (I suggest the scones with cream and jam!).

Pauline and the 997. The 997 was the fastest of the bunch, plenty of grunt down low and just so comfortable and easy to drive. A bit detached for my liking, but would definitely make a very good everyday car.

Lunch and beers stop at Burrawang Hotel (which was really lovely!).

Next up was the black 996 (turbo body but unfortunately not a turbo!) which had aftermarket wheels, exhaust and a more aggressive alignment.

Suede steering wheel inside was the bomb and this car was my fave on the day in the twisties for sure, super planted, more sound and more feel.

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Featured on Arsenic Magazine

Some of my photos from a shoot with Shontelle made it to Arsenic Magazine (such a rad mag!).


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Smoked Feast

I was meant to be attending a cruise with the Northern Beaches crew but the boys recently bought a smoker box and have been playing with it every Sunday. I failed to turn up last weekend (my loss!) and when I dropped by to see them this morning they were already preparing dinner (and they’d been at it since way earlier too!). After seeing what they had going in the smoker box there was no way I was going anywhere!

The sight, the smell of the meat and the wood chips.

Wings and blue cheese sauce. The wings were amazing!

Mac & Cheese.

Ribs, flavour was bang on. So good it didn’t even need extra sauce.


Pulling the pork!

Slaw (so delicious).

Sliders to pack in that food coma.

Posted in Food | 7 Comments

Photoshoot Nicole Castle























Had a shoot with Nicole Castle yesterday. Nicole reached out over email. Turns out she’s a friend of Britta’s (who I shot a while back, revisit those pics here), and having just started competing in the modelling scene she was after some photos.

I heard her rock up before I saw her! Nicole drives a modified turbocharged Mini (mad!). She’s a lawyer by day and has a kink for good interior design as she’s currently busy doing up her own pad in Manly at the moment. She’s all smiles, laughs and legs! Super fun to hang out with, be sure to follow her on Instagram: @njc3788.

PS: I got to shoot with my new Sony A7s. Straight off the bat I found the lens a bit too tight. I just can’t fit anything into frame (Nicole’s quite tall too, fitting her in full frame head to toe on the couch, and bed were pretty impossible!). Focussing is damn frustrating too as the camera just wants to spot focus in the centre of the frame, and I can’t just simply point on the screen to where I want the lens to focus, so now I’m shooting in a completely different way. IE: Pointing at what I want to focus on, them moving to frame and shoot. I’m also finding myself using the viewfinder, which again is a bit new and unnatural to me after the GF1 and GF6, though I like it and will most likely persist with it. LOTS of my shots were out of focus unfortunately. I’ve since changed my focus mode to wide, might even try focus locking next time too.

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