Monthly Archives: November 2010


Just spotted my beast on Felix’s Flickr. I really want to put my full cage back in!

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Bicycle Christmas Tree

Spotted at the Harbour.

Cycling in the city. Sydney’s got it going on!

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Mia Maw Maw

So hard to get a shot of her with her big eyes on!

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Beer surprise

Thanks Byron!

Christina and I did a training session with Frenchie today (he’s a friend from the VWGolf Forums). He killed us both. We then dropped in to Jamie and Richies to re-shoot some Modern Pet products and on our return home we both ran for the fridge to find a 6-pack of my fave beer + this little note Byron left us. What a guy!!!

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ADA Iwagumi update

Automatic top-off in operation.

25litres of top-off water should last a few weeks (or more). I’ve got to make a cabinet or shelves to hide this gear (and get those powerboards away from potential spillage!).

Surgical like gear to help prune and plant.

Black background installed to hide all the hang on back filter.

I’ve taken a leaf from the advanced world of Marine Aquariums and I’ve semi-automated the ADA Iwagumi’s evaporation situation. When the water level drops from evaporation the filter starts making splashes, for a planted tank running C02 this water surface agitation wastes valuable C02 so I have to keep the water level very high. Instead of having to top up the tank every day I’ve installed an automated top-off system. It’s basically a float switch connected to a small pump in a bucket of fresh water. When the water level drops it activates the pump which pumps water into the display until the level I set it at (full to the brim almost!).

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Photo by Cirkel.

A while back Grant from MC Cyclery (that’s his girl Miki 2nd from the left) put me on to his mate Christian who I’ve done some web work for. Christian needed some web tweaks and I spotted this shot on his site yesterday. 4 Sydney girls +his summer gear +a bike = so much win!

Visit: The Velovixens Thread at Bikes Move Us (170+ pages strong!).

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Hemianthus Callitrichoides


Tank in situ.

I’ve been looking to create a lawn effect for the ADA tank. The idea is to make the rocks look like huge mountains. After much hunting I’ve managed to source some South American HC (Hemianthus Callitrichoides) which is amongst the smallest of plants. I’ve killed a lot of plants in the past, far from green fingers. Fingers crossed I’ll keep this stuff alive though!

I had the C02 running and it finished in 2 nights (it’s meant to go for months at a drop or so/second). Yup I had a BIG leak somewhere. In a hurry I dropped in to see Barry at B&C Aquarium this morning and he went all out to help me find the leak, fix it and fill up my bottle too (he’s a top guy especially considering I didn’t buy the C02 gear from him!).

I still need to hunt down a G12 150W 8000k bulb, this bulb is a lottle too purple for my liking as it’s meant for a marine set-up. Finding the right bulb is proving impossible though. No one has one in the country and the only place that does know of themwill not bring just one in from Japan (min. order is 50!). I also still need a black background. and I’ve yet to tidy up all cabling with white cable tidy.

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Ordinary Extraordinary – Quiet Achievements & Heroic Feats

I’ve been working on this project with Caryn Gillespie for the past few weeks. Caryn and I used to do a lot of pro-bono work together (I always saw it as stocking up on good Karma!). It’s been a while since we’ve worked on something together and when she called me up with this idea I was sold straight away.

The project is called “Ordinary Extraordinary”. The concept is simple; to feature every day people who are doing extraordinary things. One photo and one person’s acknowledgement. Initially Ordinary Extraordinary will be a gallery event up north but it will continue on as it’s own project online.

Here’s the call out (please pass this on!):

Do you know anyone extraordinary? Is there someone you would like to acknowledge? This is your opportunity to celebrate and acknowledge people who make a difference in your life and the lives of others.

Quiet achievements and heroic feats equally welcome!


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ADA Iwagumi

Beautiful Fig Tree.

At the base there’s glosso, hair grass and java moss.

It’s so bonsai like. I love it!

Fig tree sitting in the hang on back filter.

Iwagumi scape.

Today Christina and I dropped in to Aquaristic, an aquarium shop on Botany Road I’ve been wanting to visit for some time. The shop was super impressive. So clean, so neat and everything was just presented so well.

I walked out with a few rocks to begin my Iwagumi (Japanese rock garden) scape for the ADA Mini-L Nano tank and also scored a lovely fig tree which I’ve put in the hang on back filter.

I’ve got a lot more work to do. Cleaning up the wires, the background and also changing the light to a more natural yellow bulb but I’m pretty happy with the scape I ended up with. Looking forward to getting some micro-leaved plants in there soon.

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Body piercing goodness



I got up early yesterday to see Byron off and after that I went back to bed until 4pm to catch up on some much needed sleep. Whilst I was out Christina and her younger sister Jess went into the city and got some piercings! Christina got her belly done and Jess got her nose done. Later that night we went over to the Locks for diner, took Mumma Lock a LONG time to realise the nose piercing and the reaction after seeing Christina’s belly piercing was gold. Poor mumma!

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