Category Archives: Drugs

Monday Morning Rant

Have a great week all!

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Monday Morning Rant

I have a confession to make.

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Monday Morning Rant – Thoughts on ADHD Medication

Please excuse the bad audio!

I didn’t realise until afterwards that my mic wasn’t plugged in at all (I recorded some music last week which has now totally fucked my setup!).

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A Year From Now – Part 2

An update on being off Antidepressants and Bipolar Medication.

My 2nd interview with NYC Journalist Matthew Schneeman for his “A Year From Now” project.

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Proof of COVID-19 vaccination – Linking myGov to Medicare is impossible!

Viv has started working again and I was all set to go into the city to a nice hotel she’s booked for a shoot this past weekend but it turns out I needed to have proof of COVID-19 vaccination.

No worries right? Hop on the myGov web site, link my Medicare, this should be easy? NOT! It turns out that it’s fucking impossible. In the end I had to call, and guess what? Phone lines are only open on weekdays.


Weekend ruined. Why they don’t just give you what you need on your second jab, then and there, is beyond me. Fuck myGov!

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Covid Vaccination

I’ve decided to get the vaccine and this morning went online to book an appointment, turns out every local GP is not taking bookings right now. Going down the entire list none of them are taking bookings at all. One of the closest GP’s isn’t taking bookings for 12 weeks. They’re not making it easy hey?!

Just an update: My actual GP is getting Pfizer at the end of this month. To book an appointment I had to download consent forms (PDF) which I had to print out, fill out, scan back in and email to the medical centre. What if you don’t have a printer, or a scanner though? Again, what the actual fuck is going on with making it so hard to get vaccinated?!

Lucky for me I could screen grab, sign my signature with a mouse and create a multi-page PDF with Photoshop. Forms sent, now I sit tight.

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Just a note to anyone who’s dealing with depression

If you’ve been on medication for an extended period of time and are still struggling, or worse yet, developing suicidal thoughts, please see your psychiatrist and insist that they change your medication.

Speaking from experience, the first medication I was given didn’t work, and despite bumping up the dosage it just made things worse. I tapered off that and was put onto something else which was a world of difference and worked for me almost instantly.

I’d be more than happy to recommend the psychiatrist that helped me if you’re in Sydney. Just send me a PM for details.

Wishing you all the very best.

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The COVID-19 vaccine


I’ve been seeing more and more people on social media being very proud of getting their COVID-19 vaccination, so proud that they’re starting to put pressure and guilt on those who have not yet gotten their shots, or those not willing to get their shots.

Right now only 4.3% of Australians are fully vaccinated. COVID-19 vaccines are voluntary. IE: You have a choice whether you want to get vaccinated or not. IMHO choice is King and my choice at the moment is to sit tight.

IDGAF whether you choose to get vaccinated or not, it’s your choice, but if you’re going to start blaming me for having to be stuck at home, limiting income, not being able to travel and risking the health of others then you can go get fucked!

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Monday Morning Rant

Oops, focus.

“I’m 46, hit rock bottom a few years ago, got help, therapy, meds then finally I quit smoking weed. That was a huge step. Soon after quitting weed I got off the meds. A year off the meds and I’ve quit smoking nicotine. Now I’m working on drinking less. You either get mentally stronger, or you don’t”.

I left this comment on a Joe Rogan clip on YouTube yesterday and it looks like I got a fair few responses so I thought I’d read them all out this morning.

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Monday Morning Rant – Day 19 without smoking!

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