Monthly Archives: September 2011

JDMST EOMM September 2011

Babs’ immaculate 964. I could really fall in love with the lines of this car. Loved sitting in it too, otherworldly!

What a beauty.

NA sitting so low, looked so tiny next to the WRX next to it.

Hey nice Falcon!

Always so nice to see an RX3 off the drag strip.

Dishy Work Meisters on this VR6.

Toyota Serra. A rare sight.

Track spec S15. My fave S15 on the night.

Widebody Honda City.

NA running a fat set-up with lots of neg camber.

My fave STI on the night, so low, so right.

Fresh from last week’s Drift GP!

Gorilla Supra still donning time attack warpaint.

Ryan’s Cressy.

R34 GT-R looking more and more track spec. Love the Z-Tune front guards, lots.

Decent meet last night at EQ. So many really nice cars, heaps more photos here.

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INfront Insight #07 – Vince Frost

Our 7th speaker at the INfront insight Apple Talks is big gun Vince Frost.

Vince on the stage at the Apple Store Sydney.

Our biggest crowd to date.

Vince’s talk was alright but the man at the bar after the talk was amazing!

His talk made me realise I don’t want to be ‘just’ a designer anymore. I’ve not been one in ages in any case. I’ve morphed into something else. Community builder? That just sounds lame. I don’t need to have a nice title, but I’d like one.

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Zen Garage Stickers

They’re in! I love them! They’re so awesome!

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MKV Shoot @ Zen Garage

Chris at work.


Ryan organised my car to be shot by Photographer Chris Sorgsepp for an upcoming Express Publications magazine. We decided to shoot the car at Zen Garage. When I got there I was a little shocked at how much it had changed! The painters had been in earlier today and they’ve applied one layer of protective sealant. The space is looking a lot cleaner but it still has that grungey charm and character so it’s all good. Chris was really happy to be shooting in the space, so double good!

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He’s looking like his Dad Serg more and more every week!

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Zen Garage Clean-up Day 1

We’ve got power!

It was pissing down last night, even heavier today which was a good thing as we were able to pinpoint exactly where the leaks in the roof were.

We had a guy with a high pressure washer just wash everything down.

Floors, walls, the ceiling and all. So much dirt came off, was quite awesome to watch.

Excess water was swept away into this huge drain hole.

Wendy and B’Day boy John scraping the wall back.

The office room has the biggest leak.

The cafe next door turns out to be golden, awesome gormet foods. So happy. Shot of Wild Turkey to keep warm!

Data + roof guys + paint next!

Posted in Zen Garage | 1 Comment

Paul & Laura

Jamie and Richie cooked up this insanely naughty chunk of pork with plenty of the good sauce to go around.

This speaking and moving cookie monster toy begs for cookies which are stored in his backpack, you then feed him and he goes “om nom nom”. Haha love it.

We smashed this pav. So good.

Paul & Laura.

Had a lovely chilled dinner last night with Jamie, Richie, Paul & Laura. Paul’s one of Richie’s good mates and the last time I met them was about 5 years ago at my wild NYE house party. Fell in love with the two straight away, both such awesome people. They’ve been living in the UK but Paul’s landed a job in NZ and they’ve made a quick stop-over in Sydney to visit Miles. They were doing great considering they just got off the plane from London last night!

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The Bridge Room

Prawns were the entrée special of the day. So tasty.

Scallops with buttered corn.

The sirloin was the main of the day. Cooking shows harp on about ‘balance of flavour’, after eating this dish I now know what it’s all about!

Slow grilled lamb.

Light and refreshing dessert suited the hot weather today.

Christina and I had a boozy Friday lunch at The Bridge Room in the city today, a new restaurant from the owners of Quay and Otto Ristorante. Service and food was amazing. We were the only people in there not wearing business suits! A real corporate atmosphere at lunch time, would definitely love to try the other things on their menu, but perhaps a dinner next time.

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Fast asleep.

He’s getting heavy!

Suga and Miles.

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Got stickers?

Put in a huge order with Nippy, should last a while!

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