Monthly Archives: September 2010

Best Cry Ever



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SPS Frags

SPS Frags.

I bought some SPS frags off a reef forum member. Small Polyp Stony Fragments (SPS Frags) are pieces of acropora corals which are broken off mother colonies to start new colonies themselves. SPS are harder to keep than most other corals (I’ve tried in the pat and mine only lasted a few months), kinda like the holy grail/top end of reef keeping.

I figure I start with aqua cultured frags from a guy off the forums rather than buy big pieces which have been plucked out of the ocean. Cheaper, frags are more acclimatised to living in an aquarium and better for the environment too.

If all goes well hopefully my tank will end up looking something like this in future!

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SOLD on eBay

Sold for $400.

Sold for $1550.

I was hoping the bike would go for $500 (there were so many watchers!) but $400 is pretty good. Happy with the guitar too. More spending money for fish stuff aye?!

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Tony’s B’day

A fusion of Vietnamese and French food. We went to La Mint last night to celebrate Christina’s Dad’s B’day.

What do you get for a man who has it all? Just fun stuff like this MasterChef apron (he is a MasterChef!). Christina and I got Tony some plants for his aquarium!


Cake was from The Sweet Spot. Funny timing as I was craving cake all day long from working on the new Sweet Spot web site!

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Aquarium update

My hood is painted and done!

2 angled edges under the hood lid make it easy for me to get my fingers under the lid to pull it up and open.

Hood lid open looking up at the LED lights (holes cut through a wooden shelf built into the hood).

Concealed LED lights from the top sitting on their own shelf.

Framing of the lower stand tomorrow, then doors!

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Modern Pet update

Our new family business Modern Pet is coming along nicely. We’ve got a lot of products and we’ve been busy taking photos of them as well as entering them into our online shop. The blog is now live, so if you’ve got any pet related content you’d like us to feature please drop me a line!


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Aquarium update

My Uncle Tekky came around today with all the components for my aquarium stand (except for the doors). He brought along a compressor and painted the stand in my back yard as his wasn’t big enough!

Uncle Tekky getting ready for primer.

Hood + frame for lower cabinet ready for paint.

I also got a delivery of some goodies. A China made LED clip light for the ADA mantis tank and also a NanoMag, a tiny little magnetic glass cleaner for the ADA tank made by a small Miami based company called Two Little Fishies (you can see it on the right top side corner). It’s absolutely awesome. I’d say ingenious (I also bought their VeggieMag magnetic veggie clip for holding nori in the main tank, also ingenious! No more failing suction cups!).


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Spice Temple

Last night Suga and I caught up with Di and Felix for dinner at Neil Perry’s Spice Temple. I’ve been wanting to try it for a while now but at the same time I’ve been nervous about it too as I sweat a LOT when I eat chilli (I mean dripping from the head, allergic reaction for sure!).

Plenty of street parking and the front door was a TV screen which had footage of an Asian style door flailing in the wind (very nice).

A table of Chinese people eating Chinese food cooked by an Aussie. Uphill battle?

I hadn’t heard of this beer before but gave it a go. I’m a fan of crispy beers (not a fan of malty beers with lots of hops) but Yebisu was AOK!

The entree’s had me sweating and damn they were bad. One of our mains was this 24hr duck dish (had to pre-order the night before). It was chewy, fatty and had no flavour (actually all the dishes were fatty!).

Felix and Di. The service was crap, the food was crap, it was so dark you couldn’t see what you were eating but hey! The company was great!

We had an early dinner (6-8 was our time slot!) and feeling unsatisfied we thought we’d stroll over to the harbour for a drink at the Opera Bar.

I love being a tourist in Sydney. In my opinion, the Opera Bar is an absolute privilege to visit. I’m just so glad it exists. Where else can you drink right at the waters edge of a city’s prize icons?

Process is everything. I love this little plaque in front of the Opera House (it’s up the stairs). Danish architect John Utzon gets to show everyone how he came up with the Opera Houses shapes.

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BBQ at JDMyard

Photos from a “just for us” BBQ at JDMyard.

Didn’t take Beau long to be popping 360’s on this thing out on the road!

Andy Lah!

Stevey, late with the nem nuong because he ran out of fuel on his scooter on the way to the BBQ.

The Pakulas.

Mark’s new board (love the big old skool T-Bone like wheels on it).

Howie brought the Porker along. Still the most responsive car I’ve ever driven (yes, memories are now fresh again!).

Dave was manning the BBQ.

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Mia vs. Vet round 2

Mia was due for the last of her baby shots today and she took it like a champ! We’re so impressed :)

She’s now 1kg heavier!

Ears back but no fighting and not a sound when she was given the shot.

We also bought a couple of new fishies. A damsel which is going into the Mantis tank (cruelty to animals?!) and a little Coral Goby for the main tank, pics to come.

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