Monthly Archives: August 2013

Meet Shiro



Felix and Di’s new puppy made a surprise visit to Zen last Saturday. He’s so cute! More pics:

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Porsche Centre Willoughby

I’d happily own any of these!

997 Turbo PDK Motor in the engine room.

Tour of the parts room.

Serg and I spent half the day at Porsche Centre Willoughby on Tuesday. They inspected his Porsche Boxster S and we got the grand tour too. Full write-up on Zen:

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COFA grad interview

My job is…
I work at Zen Garage and I am the brand manager.

I would describe my job as…
An amalgamation of passion related projects. It’s taken me many years to pull it off, but I’ve finally managed to combine all my passions; bikes, cars, design, fashion, music, photography and art into the one project which is Zen Garage. Being the brand manager allows me to curate and promote whatever it is I’m into at the moment, without feeling unnecessary internal or external pressures to promote things that I’m not into right now. This puts me in a constant state of Zen!

I’m inspired by…
For a long time I tried to only take inspiration from family and my past. I figured that I was the only me in the world, so as long as I took inspiration from myself, my past, then whatever I create would be original and true. I’ve eased up a lot of the years though and I now very happily take inspiration from popular culture, especially many grass roots sub cultures where you find individuals doing what they’re doing because they totally love what they do.

The best part of my job is…
I’m my own boss and I’m free to push whatever it is my heart is into, seeing others get into the stuff I’m into makes me happy. I’ve got great business partners who motivate, support and inspire me and I’m always meeting new like-minded people through running our Leichhardt store and events.

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GT-R leak #2 fixed + re-tune

Dat familiar ISMR car park.

OK so last week there was a puddle of green coolant under the car. I couldn’t locate the exact source of the problem so I topped up with water and drove straight to Indy’s hoping it was just a split hose (fingers were crossed!). Turns out it was my N1 water pump. Strange right?! Anyways, it’s been replaced with another N1 pump and whilst the car was at IS Motor Racing I thought I’d get Indy to re-tune the car.

He’s advanced the timing a bit (I really want that mid-range power back) and whilst we’ve lost 4kw or so boost is kicking in from 3000rpm now instead of 4000. Was a bit wet out today so looking forward to some dry weather (then it’s time for new tyres as these are so so old).

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Ménage à trois

We took 3 girls, all 3 EVO owners, out on a Nasho run. Aleks Brajic was there to snap some epic pics. All the photos on Zen.

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NA8C updates

New leads, leather shift boot, wipers and trim screws.

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