Monthly Archives: February 2014



Zen has a core group of mates, we look out for each other, share laughs and great times. We love each other. We call ourselves ‘the broners’, what better a way than ripping off the ‘brother’ logo (Alain’s idea and I just had to do it lol).

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Reign at MC Cyclery


Dropped my Reign off to MC Cyclery in Maroubra for a brake bleed this morning (the shop is looking AMAZING!). Time to get back on the bike!

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What would you like to do if money were no object?

Watch this video, be sure to turn your sound up. The voice is Alan Watts a philosopher who passed away in the early 1970’s, but what he says really makes a lot of sense to me.

I’ve created a job where I truly do what I love. I live Zen. I see myself as a curator of the world’s various fascinating sub cultures and I’m free to discover and promote whatever it is that I’m into in this very moment, without feeling any sort of pressure or guilt to promote any one thing nor pigeonhole myself.

I hope this little video inspires you to find your Zen.

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Bathurst 12 Hour

Is this real life? Brock’s Skyline with a view all the way down Conrod Straight. 

Faith and Ved at work.

simmyHey Simmy! :)

Duffy and Anton. 

Popped my Bathurst Cherry yesterday. I’ve seen Bathurst on TV every year for so many years, and raced in on so many racing games too, but to see it in real life… it was emotional!

PS: Falling asleep on top of the mountain under the shade of the Zen Stand, with the sounds of screaming exhausts and mates chatting and laughing in the background, pure bliss.

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Flying a kite with Miles







My brother-in-law Richie called me down to the end of my street to fly a kite with my nephew Miles earlier today. Miles is growing up so fast, he’s a little man now!

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RÜFÜS Photo Shoot at Zen Garage

A little note on Karma; Late last year I got a message from a guy (Angelo Kehagias) on facebook who let me know that a shared mate of ours suggested that he contact me to borrow my MX-5 for a photo shoot.

Angelo wanted the car for a few days. I tried to explain to Angelo that I’m a car guy, and that was a pretty big ask and that if they damaged the car, they’d have to pay for it. He was like, “sure man no worries!”. I then further explained, dude even if you scratch a rim you’d have to fix it. Again, he said no worries!

I then had to ask what he was trying to achieve with the shot. He sent me through a screen grab from the epic late 80′s film “Less Than Zero”. Memories of that film came flooding back (it’s rad, look it up, go watch it), and I convinced Angelo he’d be able to shoot it at Zen to get the same effect. Shooting a night scene at Zen meant that I would have to stay back after work till 9pm or so, which is always a hard thing for me as I’m buggered by 5pm, but I agreed to it anyways (because that’s the way I am!) and then Angelo tells me “by the way, it’s for RÜFÜS…


I fell off my chair at that point. The Broners (a tight group of male friends that have formed through Zen) listen to RÜFÜS ALL THE TIME. We listen to RÜFÜS at Zen Garage, in our cars, at our houses and man caves, the album ATLAS has just become (a great) part of our daily lives, so to hear it was for RÜFÜS. Yeah, just fucking awesome Karma!

The shoot was LONG but we kept the boys entertained between breaks. Photographer Angelo Kehagias works harder than any photographer I’ve ever met. We’ve had to wait this long to post these images due to non-disclosure agreements. You can find more shots from the shoot on Angelo’s site in the links below.

Enjoy many more behind the scenes shots on Zen Garage:

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The Design Kids Interview

Aus Infront: Damien Aistrope, Justin Fox, Zann St Pierre.

The Design Kids aim to bridge the gap between students and industry within the Australian graphic design community and they’ve just interviewed me for a little feature on Aus Infront.

Read up here:

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