Monthly Archives: October 2015

WTAC – Friday Race Day


The Hulk!

Dave Dalrymple.

Indy’s EVO.

Hey Sarah!

Drift Outlaws! 

5am start, great vibes, massive day out in the sun at WTAC on Friday! Full Feature on Zen:

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WTAC – Thursday Test Day








WTAC IS HERE! A few photos from today’s test day. Such great vibes out there today. I’ve got a good feeling about this years WTAC.

More photos on Zen:

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BMW Drivers Club NSW Motorcycle and Car Show

Ved saved a spot for me! Homie! We’re United Grey!

I’ve come close to pulling the trigger on an E30 wagon before. I think the itch has gone but I still love them.

The real deal!

Almost got to see an R32 in real life (I want one so I can say I have 3 R32s!).

2002. Another car I always haunt on Carsales.

Zen Tip.

Last Sunday the guys at Eurospares Spare Parts, in conjunction with Osram, invited me out to check out the BMW Drivers Club NSW Motorcycle and Car Show at Rushcutters Bay Park. Was a great day out!

Coverage on Zen:

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JDMyard EG Civic

jdmyard_eg_wtac_justinfox (1)

jdmyard_eg_wtac_steeringwheel (1)


Shoot me like one of your French girls.

My good friends at JDMyard Pty Ltd asked me to shoot their EG Civic, which now sports World Time Attack Challenge War Paint!

I had Ved from Selectnine with me for support (he’ll be making a short video of this car too!), but shooting cars doesn’t come naturally to me, so like the 918 I shot earlier in the year; I tried to shoot the car as if I was shooting a girl. Happy with some of my angles, but really unhappy with the harsh light I had to deal with.

View the full set:

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Photoshoot with Amber Berger AKA @maxxstats




FINALLY got to shoot with Amber Berger! AKA @maxxstats (FKA @feelgoodincc).

Sometimes you just come across an image so captivating that everything stops for a second (IE: You stop scrolling!). A couple of years ago I came across this image of Amber. It’s just a low res phone selfie, dirty mirror, questionable framing and lighting but an amazing body and a cheeky smile… it’s just one of those shots!

I managed to track Amber down. She’s a personal trainer who lives in QLD (which explains why we haven’t shot yet), but we’ve kept in touch over the years and planned our shoot many many months ago. Weather was perfect, lighting was ideal. House was clean but fucking LOL! I’d say I couldn’t use about 70% of the shots as we were too busy talking (and her mouth is open/moving in most of the shots!).

Fun hangs though! Great to finally meet the girl! Topics of discussion: Personal Training, relationships, values, games, boobs, food, ink, needles, business, self confidence and Uber!

Full Set:

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Nuvo 16 Update – New fishie!

My new Six Line Wrasse. Not named him yet!

Full Tank Shot.

I got a Six Line Wrasse for the Nuvo 16 the other day, he’s awesome!

I’ve always been curious about owning one, so I made the call to look for one and when I dropped in to Aquaristic (my fave local fish store) the guys had a new fish delivery and were just floating bags in their tanks. I asked Dave if there was anything awesome in the batch and he mentioned that he had an awesome Six Line Wrasse! What a coincidence! It was meant to be, right?!

Turns out this wrasse is more colourful than what the guys at the shop are used to. He’s got a really bright top fin, which you only see when he displays (or yawns lol!).

He’s awesome and has settled into the Nuvo 16 nicely. My rockwork has a LOT of caves and he’s constantly swimming through the holes, super cool to watch (he’s also demolishing all the pods on the glass!).

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Nana working her touch screen ordering system.

I went for the salt-grilled mackerel. So so good.

So did Nana but hers was presented differently to mine (with skin).


Nanami took me to YAYOI who have opened up at The Galeries (where Kinokuniya is) and it’s awesome! If you love the more fishy stuff you’ll love YAYOI. Super clean food, tummy was so happy post meal!


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It’s confirmed! Zen Decals in Need For Speed!

Zen Graff sticker applied to windshield.

All the Zen logos!

I’ve had my fingers crossed since my trip to Sweden (where I consulted on the new Need For Speed) earlier in the year, but it’s confirmed! All the Zen logos feature as stickers you can apply to your cars in the new Need For Speed (the most successful racing video game series in the world!). I’m beyond stoked!!!

For more info, visit:

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