Aquarium update

Nitrates are finally at 0! I don’t think they’ve ever been this low. Water is very very cloudy and smelly too. Yesterday I added a bag of carbon and the smell has gone away but the water is still cloudy. I’m hoping it’ll clear up by itself over the next few days.

My Uncle Tekky came around to test fit the hood he made.

The whole front panel opens up.

A sturdy and concealed shelf for the LED’s with bevelled edges for maximum light.

I then got busy with a screwdriver, hammer and crowbar and managed to get all the decorative trimming off.

I also ripped off that ugly black plastic corner trim for the cleaner ADA look.

Problems: The lights are sitting too far back of the tank and need to come forward about 9cm. That means he’s got to take it all apart, rip off the sides and pretty much put it all back together again. Lucky we did the test fit before painting though.

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4 Responses to Aquarium update

  1. Paul says:

    you are not messing about! lol. and how nice are the lumix images…….yum!

  2. Justin Fox says:

    100% loving the Lumix!

  3. Andym says:

    i love the new hood, but could it come down any lower??
    seems a bit top heavy.