Attention whore much?

Here’s a pic (one of many) that Christina took of me riding the Strida down the road to Mums place (yes she was laughing at me). We were lounging out watching the tennis when the wine ran out, the thought of riding up the big hill to see if the bottle shop was open or not made me feel instantly lazy but then I had an epiphany, picked up the phone and called Mum, asked her if she’d mind if I stole a bottle from her (lol) and quite impulsively I rode over to go fetch it!

On the way I had quite a few stares and one girl even yelled out “nice bike!”. Even mum was curious about it, she was outside watching me ride down the road but didn’t know if it was me (or a bike?) or not! I’ve got so many bikes but none of them get any sort of attention at all. Good times!

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