
Photo by Matthew Mead.

In 2005 I did a logo design and web site for Autopia, an automotive leasing start-up company, Jeffrey was at the wheel and he was also into cars, he had a WRX if I remember correctly and I spotted a GT4 playstation set-up in his home office too.

A few weeks ago I saw a white BMW parked a few streets down from where I live, it turned my head as it had Autopia graphics all over it (I get excited when I see my work offline, in public spaces). I ran into the BMW again, this time on tight street. I blocked him and wound down my window and said “Hey Jeff!”. :) Turns out he’s living around the corner from me and he’s still crazy about cars as the above picture from the last Circuit Club day shows.

PS: His company is doing great, which is awesome news!

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