Carpet is down

The carpet guys came today to lay down our carpet in the bedroom and the retreat. Christina’s mum suggested spending up on quality Cavalier Bremworth carpet as she’s had it in her place for 6 years and it’s still looking as good as new.

Unfortunately the carpet wasn’t quite wide enough to be split at the step, so there’s a line where the carpet for the retreat joins up. They assure me the line will settle though. I hope so.


After. A shot taken from the ensuite looking out into the bedroom and retreat.

The ensuite, yet to be cleaned (it’s covered in dust!). Also missing a wooden bench at the far end on the right side.

Just another shot of the guest bathroom.

Deck/narrow steps before.

Deck and wider steps after.

Another deck shot.

House painted, floor painted, new guttering, roof painted.

Kitchen before.

Kitchen after.

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