
I caught up with 2 close uni (BA Design) friends last night. Kellie Bates and Simon McIntyre. We’d messaged each other on facebook a couple of weeks ago (hey facebook works!) and we hadn’t caught up with each other in a long while so it was high time.

Trinity Bar in Surry Hills.

Kellie and Simon are both 34 and kidless so far (I find that almost unusual as most of the friends I’ve got my age have kids). To be honest, the fact that both of them haven’t yet had kids made me feel less silly about my situation but having said that, both Simon and Kellie are married (not to each other!) and that’s something I’ve yet to do (one day?!).

The catch-up was great.

Kellie’s always been a full time worker bee but she’s quit and she’s starting her own business where she digitally paints portraits (nice!). Simon’s lecturing at UNSW College of Fine Arts (the university we graduated from), but on our way home to the cars he mentioned money was a little tight at the moment. That usually means one thing. I sniffed out his passion: planes! Yes every proper guy out there is obsessed with “something”, that something is usually what drains the wallet too. You can check out his insanely amazing plane obsession here.

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