Covid Vaccination

I’ve decided to get the vaccine and this morning went online to book an appointment, turns out every local GP is not taking bookings right now. Going down the entire list none of them are taking bookings at all. One of the closest GP’s isn’t taking bookings for 12 weeks. They’re not making it easy hey?!

Just an update: My actual GP is getting Pfizer at the end of this month. To book an appointment I had to download consent forms (PDF) which I had to print out, fill out, scan back in and email to the medical centre. What if you don’t have a printer, or a scanner though? Again, what the actual fuck is going on with making it so hard to get vaccinated?!

Lucky for me I could screen grab, sign my signature with a mouse and create a multi-page PDF with Photoshop. Forms sent, now I sit tight.

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