

Interesting thing I noticed; every year there are less and less cards (more emails, sms’s and facebook messages right?).

Miles was the star of the show. The reactions he got from everyone were amazing!

ABCD hehe.

I got a tonne of pressies, the cats got heaps of living too! My fave pressie was this Fox cushion from Jamie, Richie and Miles. I love it!

We had Christmas at Mums this year. Ate a lot, drank a lot (Richie’s most excellent Christmas Home Brew!), ate some more and played silly Christmas games. Got home only to realise that I’d left my sunnies, wallet and keys at Mums so I stumbled back to Mums on foot, got my keys and on the walk back I ran into a mate from the VWGolf forums, random! Continued on my way home and amazingly I sobered up instead of drinking on. Soft!

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