Egyptian Mau

My sister’s after another cat, and we went out to Blacktown to visit an Egyptian Mau Breeder. Upon walking into her house we were greeted visually with a billion cat show award ribbons and our noses were pierced with the sharp smell of cat urine. We were ushered over to a dark room where all the kittens were, next door to the dining table and kitchen, and the smell in that room was so full on Christina almost threw up. The room wasn’t ventilated, it was carpeted and there was a soft couch in there too, all soaked in urine. I had to wonder how the fuck people live like that. Jamie assures me that ALL cat breeders are the same but knowing that they’re all the same doesn’t make me think these unsanitary conditions are OK. Having said that, cute cats though!

Pretty boy.

1 year old.

The kittens (which were a bit jumpy).

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