F1 Memories

Ticker sticker gizmo was used for the exercise book cover title.

1987, check the typography! Maybe I was always meant to be a graphic designer?!

My hand writing has gotten a lot worse over the years. Strange.

My family has ties with Honda so I was always a Honda Fan Boy.

Loved this car, so much, the colours, everything.

Adelaide race.

Scary reflection of the conspiracies Senna was dragged through in the film. He came 2nd in Adelaide, but I wrote this extra little bit down the bottom, looks like he was ripped, again.

After watching Senna I remembered I had a little book I made when I was 12 years old. I found it this morning and took a few pics of it :)

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4 Responses to F1 Memories

  1. Carey says:

    Jesus christ the creativeness has always been there.

  2. Helen says:

    loving the typography! it’s fun looking through old schoolbooks – i think i used to put more effort into making them look good instead of the actual work meant to go in them hehe

  3. jess says:

    so awesome that you had this lying around to dig up!
    love it! brought back fond memories of something similar i did as a kid!

  4. Kory Leung says:

    Damn man, I just saw this. Really neat idea, i tried to start something like this in year 11 but it got tossed in the bin by a teacher :(