Finally in the water!

Today it was a scorching 35 degrees inland (I was visiting the boys at JDMyard) and to make matters worse I was stuck without aircon on the M5 on the way home due to a savage car accident which stalled everyone for at least 30 minutes. Stevey followed me home though (he got there a lot quicker than I did on his motorbike) and we went for a swim at the rock pool down the road. Water was freeeezing cold but damn it was great. I brought a snorkel down with me and spotted a huge octopus, the largest one I’ve ever seen in real life. It’s body was the size of 2 fists and it was missing 2 tentacles. We dunked a few beers then we thought we’d get the death trap out for a spin.

Stevey has a go at the Deathtrap!

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