Free plants? No fucking way!

Anthurium Dorayaki X.

Anthurium Complex Hybrid.

Monstera Albo.

Monstera Peru.

A little while back I reconnected with Fifi, an old high school friend. She reached out to me on Instagram to tell me that if she had known that I was into plants she would have given me a lot of plants as she recently culled her collection!

Fifi offered me a cutting from her Monstera Albo (at $300 a cutting and going for thousands full grown it’s one of the most desired rare house plants since the pandemic). She refused payment, she even refused to let me pay for the shipping! This afternoon I got an SMS to say the parcel was dropped off at a local newsagent. I dashed out the door (this time I made sure I didn’t lock myself out!) and when I got home and opened the box I not only found the Albo. I found 3 more amazing plants!

Fifi sent me a gorgeous Anthurium Dorayaki, love it’s round shape. An Anthurium Complex Hybrid which she had grown from seed (her friend hybridised this to produce really dark leaves) and she also threw in a Monstera Peru (I love it!).

I’ll admit that I’ve spent the past month or more looking at Monstera Albo cuttings for sale on Facebook Marketplace. Good things come to those who wait? Maybe it’s my awesome RNG? Either way I feel blessed!

PS: You can follow Fifi on Instagram. She also makes awesome art!

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