Golf GTI is (finally) mine

Suga about to get that smile wiped off her face.

This morning I got to the bank, banked in my V35 cheque and drew a cheque for Barloworld. Suga just got her wisdom teeth taken out this morning but the guys insisted that she bring the car as a few more staff wanted to hear her exhaust (lol).

Sold to me!

Car was nice and clean, and apart from having only a 1/4 tank of fuel the experience was just like buying a new car :)

I’m super busy today and haven’t even got the time to put my new antenna on (lol). Will hopefully make some time tomorrow to play with the car.

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3 Responses to Golf GTI is (finally) mine

  1. Rashida says:

    Justin!!! I just noticed it's got the beautiful Tartan interior I love!!! I've noticed most people have the leather interior, but I personally love the tartan. Do you prefer leather or do you like the tartan? lol tartan tartan TARTAN!!!

  2. Jonno says:

    Yep, tartan FTW! Solid choice Justin, it's gonna look great parked next to the R32 =]

  3. Justin Fox says:


    Last we spoke I just couldn't justify selling the V35 for a GTI but I/we did it yo! :)

    I'm not a huge fan of the Tartan but then again I ain't a fan of leather either (it's heavier and it creases/wears badly over time).

    Jonno, too right. We were gawking at them both in the driveway yesterday, so cool :)