Happy Birthday Mum

As unattractive as it may seem to all the single ladies out there. I’m a proud mummies boy.

Many years ago I was with my long-term girlfriend when an old wise taxi driver asked me a trick question; who’s cooking is better? My girlfriends or my mums? I replied with the wrong answer. My Mums!

The bible states that you’re not meant to worship idols, but in truth my mum is my hero, she is my idol.

When she was young she rebelled against her parents wishes, and moved to Australia to start a new life. She inspired her sisters to move too. In fact she’s inspired so many of us to just be better people, just like her.

A couple of years ago life got the better of me and I hit rick bottom. Mum was there for me, every day, to help me pick up the pieces. Her love is truly unconditional love, she’s always accepted me for who I am, and has always supported me in what makes me happy.

I’m not religious, but I used to say that if everyone in this world respected the 10 commandments, then the world would probably be a better place. I now think that if everyone could be a little more like my mum, then the world would be a great place.

So please join me in raising your glasses. Here’s cheers to a great human being, my best friend, my mum.

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