IKEA Rudsta Greenhouse Project

Weatherstripping added to the plant cabinet to keep the humidity up.

Humidity is staying steady at 75%! Not bad at all! The more fussy/rare plants should do AOK!

Fan for airflow tucked away in the bottom corner.

The day after I got my latest plants (from Growing Grounds) into the cabinet I was devastated to find that the large Anthurium was all droopy. The substrate was dry. Not enough water? Were my lights on for too long (timer has them on for 12hrs), or are they too powerful (I had them at 20% power)? Was the plant in shock from the move? Was there not enough humidity? I went down a huge rabbit hole thinking that a lack of humidity was the issue THEN my hydrometer turned up and it turns out that the humidity in my cabinet stays pretty stable at 75%, so all that research I did on potentially getting a humidifier for the cabinet was just wasted time (but hey research is fun!).

The other 2 plants (Alocasia Watsoniana and Amazonica) are doing fine, but it looks like I may lose a leaf from the Anthurium Clarinervium.

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