Jing’s Bucks

Kartatak indoor karts at Villawood.

Clifton wearing the Angry Bird outfit that Jing had to wear all night.

Jing’s Bucks party was on last Saturday. We hit the Karts earlier in the day and just before we got on the track one guy flipped his kart in the tunnel (the black thing in the picture above) and almost knocked himself out (not to mention losing a lot of skin). That kinda freaked everyone out but once we were on, it was on! The track was tight. Crazy hard to overtake which made for some good contact. I was sure to T-Bone Jing out of a corner, Cliffy got the fastest lap of the day (looks like I’m always destined to be mr 2nd on kart days!). Later that afternoon we all smashed pre-dinner shots in a swanky hotel room in the city, hit Churrasco for dinner (was perfect) then I can’t talk about what we did after, but holy shit it was full of laughs!

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