JoJo Diamond shoot for Zen Garage

Last Sunday I spent the day shooting JoJo at my place (she’s heaps of fun and cute as a button!). I was hoping for heaps of natural light (as my trusty GF1 loves it) but unfortunately it was a rainy day. I thought about postponing, but after a few words with some photographer friends (especially Matthew Mead who gave me words of encouragement) I decided to accept the challenge, give it a go, and try something different.

You’re meant to shoot with the light behind you, but I spent most of the day shooting silhouettes on purpose. I’m really happy with the end results. My fave pics below, more photos from the day on Zen Garage:

Shooting into the light. Love this shot. Captures the grey day. JoJo’s pose is natural and her face looks amazing.

Had plenty of light for this shot so it came out normal (not silhouetted). JoJo hates this shot, but I love it, one of my faves.

Hair up! One of JoJo’s fave shots (it’s currently her facebook profile image!).

I went for a few fully silhouetted shots with some interesting results.

My fave shot of the day. I love it that the background is blown out, and that JoJo needs more light, it’s the wrong thing to do when shooting in low light, but it makes for a dynamic result.

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2 Responses to JoJo Diamond shoot for Zen Garage

  1. Paul Petch says:

    Nice mate. Looks like the focussing was a bit off though. Do you use the focal points by choosing the face? If you want some tips i have a exposure PDF on my site if you want to read up.

    You should come to Auckland mate. It woulds be a blast. Lets do a collab soon :)

    Heck come over and i’ll shout you a full days photo worskhop :D

  2. Matthew Mead says:

    Nothing to worry about. Killed it!