Manly Dam – 3rd time lucky

OK I finally got to do the Dam today (thanks again Jing for lending me your Reign!) to test out my new Met Parachute helmet + 661 chicken elbows + knee pads. I should have worn my 661 knee/shin pads as those fucking nasty pedals got my shins again today. I was super dissapointed with the pads I did wear though, not that they move much but they really dig into my skin and feel uncomfortable. I hope they get more comfy with more use.

The Met Parachute on the other hand was awesome. It’s light, airy, easy to get my Camelbak drink straw in there and I feel more confident with it on. Massive thumbs up from me.

The Reign’s frame shape straps on to the Thule rack really well, sooo sturdy. Thanks Shimano for the free stickers, more than happy to RPRSNT!

Charlie and his STP + matchig shoes. Kids these days… (lol).

Nailed this nasty little uphill today on my 2nd attempt, got it now… I’m chuffed.

Charlie loves the jumps on the DH section but the Reign’s just so awesome here, overtaking him on a different line felt too easy (felt like cheating). I’m dedicating myself and leaning into corners a lot more now, pretty happy with that and generally happy with how I went today as I cleared a few sections I hadn’t done before (even the nasty climb out of the bottom which was massively satisfying).

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