Mia mau mau takes a bath!

Suga and I gave Mia a bath the other day (using some special cat shampoo of-course!). Initially Mia freaked out but after a while she decided she loved it (she was licking Christina’s hands which were holding her still). She dried real quick as it was a hot day and her coat has never been sooooooooo yummy!

I looked all over the house for Mia later that day and started to panic when I couldn’t find her (had she somehow run out the door?!). I finally found her sleeping under the bed. Usually she sleeps on top of the wardrobe in the guest room (up very high so she feels safe) but I’ve recently found her in deep sleep in other places. The bathroom (!), under the bed sheets and now under the bed!

Nyaw the little mau mau.

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