Flashbacks of shutter island. Riven even.

Mind blowing stuff right?

Damn should have brought a picnic.


Nanami chalking one up.

Andy Uprock.

Made of plastic cups stuffed into the fence.


Banksy was here.

Will Coles.

These Japanese breakers were going off. The Red Bull Shadow Wars had b-boys and b-girls from around the country battling it out in front of a pretty huge energetic crowd.

The warm-up floor was pretty cool to watch too.

You can actually pay to camp overnight on the island, or even rent one of the houses at the very top if camping isn’t your thing. The sheer amount of work on display had me wondering whether the artists actually camped out whilst they put Outpost together.

Then we found this hole in the wall.

The tunnel was lined with art, and went forever. Reminded me of the entrance to the batcave.

James Jirat.


As huge as it gets with a spray can.

Prosciutto pizza at the bar was awesome. Beers, wines, champagne, people were getting wasted in the sun, trapped at the bar!

Beers and pong!

Oh hai it’s James!

Ben Bigeni & Ken Taylor battling it out live at Secret Wars.

This T-Shirt exhibit was crazy tight. Would work as a standalone exhibit anywhere in the world.

I’ll take that one, and that one… and that one and that one.

Kid Zoom got arty with it.

The OUTPOST PROJECT has to be the most massive street art project I’ve ever seen to date. My visit there yesterday left me gobsmacked (great to see our Govt. get behind something like this!).

Held at Cockatoo Island in Sydney Harbour more than 150 renowned artists have been let loose on the entire island. In sheds, on walls, fences, anything and everything was covered in art.

You have until the 11th to check it out. If you’ve got nothing to do right now I highly suggest you check it out (bring your mates). Entry is free, you just need to pay for your ferry ride (ferry rides are always fun right?!) and the island itself is amazing. What was a dockyard during WWII is now a barron industrial landscape. I spent half the day checking out the art, the other half just exploring the island!

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