Photoshoot with Veronica


Had a really fun hang and shoot yesterday with Veronica (another Italian model!). Veronica replied to my callout on the NSW models/photographer Facebook group and insisted that she did not want to do anything sexy at all. When I suggested that I was cool with that and would most likely just do face shots, she then said that she already had so many face shots… at that stage I was really questioning why I’m even offering free shoots but we got along, shot by the beach and got a handful of decent shots.

She got back to me earlier this morning though after checking out a lot more of my work and she really loves my art and how I shoot women and would love to do much better on our next shoot. She’s also set up a new Instagram account and posted a much more boudoir style shot up there. So hey! I love that I’ve inspired her to see the art of boudoir and that sexy can be artistic (even with clothes on!).

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