R32 Gruppe M install

Last night Suga and I installed a Gruppe M intake on her R32 Golf. We should have been in bed as we were both still struggling from the copius amounts of alcohol consumed at Jess’ 18th, but excitement got the better of us and once we started, we couldn’t stop.

The huge stock airbox and snorkel had to come out.

The instructions are all in Japanese but removing it was easy.

All the stuff that came out. Check the massive paper air filter.

The Gruppe M kit.

K&N pod filter.



We went for a little drive straight after. Personally I couldn’t feel a difference in power (I’m pretty sure a small gain was made) but I could hear the intake which was subtle, not at all like the noise you get when whacking a pod filter onto a Honda.

Next up? Exhaust!

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