Return to Loftus (again)

Jing and Matt.

New XT brakes from MC Cyclery (thanks Ash!).

So strange to see new shit on such an old bike!

Post ride selfie (trying to put on a brave smile).

Last time I rode was 2 years ago. Unbelievable how time has flown (then again all I’ve been doing for the past 2 years is Zen!).

I met up with Matt Mead and Jing Li at Loftus, 3pm. I was prepared to die… and die I did.

After the first single trail section my thighs were burning. Such a bad sign! 1/3rd the way in I started to feel my lungs, but in a bad way! I made it up the first climb in my granny ring but stopping at the top was a bad idea. I got dizzy and almost threw up. From there on I walked all the big hills, something I’ve never had to do before.

Whilst riding I couldn’t stop thinking about having a cold fizzy coke… water just wasn’t doing it for me. By the end of the ride I had a bad stomach cramp. HAHAHA! SO WEAK!

I’ve got to keep it up, and ride again next Monday, otherwise today’s efforts would have been wasted. Got to thank Jing and Matt so much for going easy on me today. Legends!

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One Response to Return to Loftus (again)

  1. lemmiwinks says:

    Lol! No pain, no gain! :)

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