Return to Menai

I haven’t ridden menai in ages. And it felt good to put on the Met + pads again. I met up with Zi and Andy and 2 minutes into the trail it started pissing down. Water glistenning off the rocks and cooling us down too, it was actually beautiful!

Zi loves to fuck around on technical shit and there’s a lot of that at Menai. He gave everything a go and had a classic stack on a 3ft huck where he pogoed off his bike and landed in a tree. Shame I missed it on video, would have been an instant youtube hit.

Bring on the rain.

Andy and Zi walking the dogs.

Zi made it down this 1st go.

Zi sizing up the big steps.

Zi lends Andy a banana. On the trail, sharing is caring.

Huge 4 car pile-up on the M5.

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