Saturday @ Zen Garage

BBQ was so tasty!

Some of the boys there earlier in the day (have more shots, will upload soon!).

People have been screaming for us to open on Saturdays, makes sense as most people work weekdays. Today we opened up, had a BBQ and hey, the sun even came out to play. Met a few new people, sold lots of gear but I’m totally hating the new point of sale system we’ve installed (it’s going to take a LOT of work next week to make it synch up with our online shop).

Not sure how I feel about working weekends yet but I’m pretty sure we’ve got to open. Maybe a roster of some sort. Saturday on, one day of the week off. We’ll see!

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One Response to Saturday @ Zen Garage

  1. Christian says:

    Spewing I missed this… Will have to keep an eye out for Saturday’s in the future.

    Would be a great idea.

    Even half day – 9 til 12pm .. would work for everyone!