
Got a message from 2J yesterday, his missus was selling her ‘as new’ left handed guitar (so new it still had plastic protection film over the pick-ups). I couldn’t resist the opportunity to have a new guitar to play with so I jumped at the opportunity and now she’s mine.

2J delivered her at midnight last night and we had a jam session till wee hours. It looks different to anything I’ve ever owned and plays really nice, has heaps of sustain and with its pick-up gear (the tone knob pops up and makes the guitar sound almost strat like) it’s a lot more diverse than I thought it would be. The neck and action is fast but not as fast as my last guitar, speed isn’t my thing anymore these days in any case haha.

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2 Responses to Schecter

  1. synthz says:

    Schecter is korean made, and mostly marketed for teenage metal heads. I think your RG2550 is much much better!! :) Surprised you’re a lefty, the choices for lefty is quite minimal for guitars. (Even more surprised that you play!) You should change the pickup cause those factory dimarzio/ibz are pretty shitty… i read it’s like $1 pickup covered with IBZ casing. The quilt is pretty nice.

    • Justin Fox says:

      Yes old guitar was way better (a lot more expensive too!). This one’s just a cheapy I couldn’t refuse :)