


Nanami’s B’day was a few weeks ago now. I completely underestimated how long things take to get here from Amsterdam. I was starting to think that the B’day pressie I got for her was either lost in the mail (I was fretting!), or perhaps customs had pulled it up thinking: hmmm, Amsterdam hey?!

Last night I had to apologise to Nanami about the lateness of my pressie, and that I’d have to chase it up today, funny then that when I rocked up to Zen this morning I found the parcel on my desk! Strange how it often works out this way with items I buy online (ie: just as I complain about not receiving an item it shows up on the day, or soon after).

Last night I’d thrown Nana off course when she tried to guess what her pressie was going to be (always fun!) but it was a treat to watch her open it up today. She loves it! :) It’s a noir piece by Amsterdam artist Sit, giclĂ©e print #30 of 35 and it’s a lot bigger than I expected! Can’t wait to see it framed!

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4 Responses to Sit

  1. Tony says:

    That’s pretty cool and wacky. Apart from its cool and creative, whats the attraction for you ‘designer types’ (no offense) with these sort of images. I dont quite get it and curious to see what goes through your heads when you see these types of images.

  2. Justin Fox says:

    Tough question to answer Tony. Why does anyone who loves heavy metal, or classical music love it? Can of worms, pandoras box! With Sit’s work in particular I think it’s striking, bold, sexy, dynamic, fresh and generally speaking, inspirational. It’ll really come to life when it’s framed in glass and hung on the wall, it’ll really change the dynamic of Nanami’s space I think so I’ll be sure to take a pic once it’s hung up. :)

  3. Christina says:


  4. Pingback: SIT- Noir Nr.14 | SPAMVENTDOCUMENT