Sony a7S

Carl Zeiss UV Filter. So clear that it’s a bit trippy.

Feels good to hold, but the springy shutter button feels a bit cheap and nasty.

GF6 vs a&S size comparo.

The decision was made to upgrade to a Sony a7S with Zeiss 55mm F1.8. Daniel from OFIM put me on to a good deal with Marcus at digiDIRECT in Westfield’s Bondi Junction. I ended up taking the camera home, and bought a Zeiss UV Filter to protect the lens, a new memory card too.

The camera comes with 2 batteries! That’s pretty cool. The charger is pretty slim, and there’s a USB/wall charger too so I had both batteries charging in no time. It’s substantially bigger and heavier than my GF6 setup, but it’s nowhere near as heavy as Matt or Ved’s DSLR setups. The focussing feels slower than my GF6, either way I’m looking forward to playing with this camera!

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2 Responses to Sony a7S

  1. Kevin Vo says:

    Check this review out

    I’ve got the A7R, the shutter is a bit loud and the single image taking is a bit slow I feel.

  2. Paul says:

    Fwoooaarrrr! Have fun dude.