The Return of Bike Nights

Felix’s new King Headset.

Andy’s Mash with Phil Hubs.

La Perouse.

Felix had a new bling King headset to install on his fixie so we had a small bike night last night, haven’t had one in aaaaages.

Andy, Jing and Timmy rode all the way over to my place from out Rockdale way, we got to work on Felix’s bike, cracked a few beers and then hit the road to La Perouse. La Pa was all fenced off so the hoons couldn’t hang out there, some of them still did though and they found us quite amusing: “Long way to France” they were yelling out. Har har har.

By the time I got back I was feeling pretty sick and getting up the stairs was hard work as my legs were jelly. I used parts of my lungs I hadn’t used in a long time. That felt pretty good. I’m unfit but I was still able to keep up with the boys (they’re machines!) so I’m pretty sure I’ll bounce back to form pretty quickly (IF I keep this up!).

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