We had this massive shaded shelter to work in.

Cool and there was a nice breeze going through it too, venue was too good to be true!

Miles had awesome Sunday tunes pumping all day.

Shot from within the warehouse.

Jason’s MKV GTI.

Alan’s RNS upgrade.

All sorts of DIY stuff was done on the day, some mild, some wild!

Hacking the Matrix.

BBQ was so good I had to go for seconds.

Blackjack, cause that’s how we roll.

Big car related day out today. First I dropped in to check out a BMW meet in Alexandria, then I made the drive out to Hoxton Park for the massive VWGolf.net.au install day at BLUM HQ (they make amazing kitchen hinges, robotic, electronic opening doors, mind blowing!).

HEAPS more pictures, with running commentary, here: http://www.vwgolf.net.au/showthread.php?6361-%5BNSW%5D-16th-October-DIY-Day

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One Response to VWG DIY Day

  1. Auto Dent and Scratch Repair says:

    Great photos! That spacious repair facility looks ideal.