Weekend wrap-up

I feel fat for not riding this weekend. Great weekend though! Here’s the wrap-up.

On Saturday Suga got dropped off at Top One to get her tinting done.

We dropped into ISMR to pay off some debts (doh!). R34’s are slipping away from me. My once dream car has lost it’s sparkle.

We dropped in to Hell On Wheels in Newtown. How amazing is this bike? It’ll be featured in their next advertisement in 20/20 magazine, all photoshopped up.

I’ve been thinking about motor bikes lately too.

I saw this deck on their site and had to have it. I’d met Tom a couple of times but I got to meet Rob this time around. He said he couldn’t believe it hadn’t sold, and that he wanted it for wall art but his girl said no (why?! Christina loooves this deck!).

Up on the wall it goes. HAHA.

On Sunday I’d woken up on dreaming about bikes (sad I know) and even before I had my morning coffee I was in the car off to Kingsford markets. Not sure why, just was. I crossed the road and was greeted by this sight:

Holy fucking shit I thought! I asked the old Russian guy “How much do you want for this?” and he says “Nice bike, it’s perfect for you, $45″. “45?” “Yes $45″. I didn’t have the heart to bargain him down some more. I just took it!

Then I saw this beauty. Clamont racer with Tange 900 tubing and a beautiful brown suede Turbo saddle. $100, so tempted but I let her go.

This old GT was awesome too, check the frame, it’s hot.

I even wanted this, used to have one as a kid. They last forever unlike new belt driven onces which die in the ass.

It’s a bit of a ritual getting an egg and bacon roll from these guys at the markets. Best bacon and egg roll in Sydney no bull.


JDM goodness.

Tange tubing.

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