Zoomer (finally) gets a (slightly) longer ride

Zi came over on his SR and we hit Kingsford for dinner, then dropped into a servo to get some fuel.

We then met up with the boys at the Starbucks near the Capitol Theatre in Chinatown. Funniest looking group of bike riders ever.

Spotted these Fixies owned by a cute guy and girl couple.

I thought Zi’s SR sounded good until I heard Matt’s SR. The thing pops flames! Starbucks was closing so we rode to Double Bay for coffee and I split home from there.

Some thoughts and observations:

2 little girls (with their parents) pointed and laughed at me when we were all at the lights. Funny for sure seeing this tiny scooter in a group of motor bikes!

The Zoomer’s fast enough to keep up with traffic, no worries. I can’t tell what speed I’m doing past 60 but Zi said I was doing 72km/hr when he checked his speedo on Anzac Parade. Unlike a motorbike I’m just riding a scooter so I can throw the thing around without worrying about braking, clutch and gears which makes it fun and easy through back streets and sharp corners. Cornering with feet forward isn’t great but it’s more of a challenge if anything, stance is great, would love the seat to be further back by 2 inches or so, that would be perfect.

The exhaust is damn loud, even in comparison to the other bikes in the group. So loud and kinda annoying after a while when it’s at high rpm’s, but it’s a good safety thing. Speaking of safety – Anzac Parade was under construction last night and went from 3 lanes to 1. I was up against a bus and he almost wiped me out. Couldn’t hear me and it took me a little longer than expected to overtake him (the danger of having something without power for sure).

Taking off the mud guards looks right but I went over some wet road on George St and it all ended up ion my face. Nice. Riding home was pretty boring (group riding was heaps more fun) and I felt bad for all the residents as my loud exhaust would have pissed people off for sure. Grips are not comfy enough to not wear gloves. I’ll either wear gloves or buy some softer grips. Rear view mirror is useless because my bars are chopped so narrow. I can’t see shit out of it. Headlights were fine, not too weak.

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5 Responses to Zoomer (finally) gets a (slightly) longer ride

  1. Andrew says:

    nice plates ;)

  2. Paul says:

    Nice. Not wearing gloves though dude is asking for trouble. You have even a tiny fall and goodbye fingers…..

  3. Justin Fox says:

    True that, appreciate you looking after me Paul. I’ll look into getting some Alpine Stars haha.

  4. Paul says:

    lol no problem :)

  5. lemmiwinks says:

    I’m no safety nazi but for sure gloves are good. I do get lazy and nip into the shops without them sometimes, but if you step off the gravel rash on your palms will mean you probably won’t even be able to wipe your own butt, much less compose a post for the blog!

    I’ll weigh up the risk and take it on a case by case basis. If I get rashed up because I’m not wearing my jacket I’ll accept responsibility for that.

    BTW, I’m not a subscriber to “loud pipes save lives” ;-) They don’t make the traffic more or less aware of you, on a motorcycle (hell, on any two wheeled vehicle) you have to do the observation for other road users ’cause they sure ain’t looking out for you. Loud pipes might sound sweet, but as you quickly discovered, they suck over any prolonged period of time. I also like the stealth factor of being able to sneak out early in the AM.