Monthly Archives: February 2012


Mind = blown.

Much thanks to Luca for getting Niels Shoe Meulman to sign a copy of his book for me. Visit:

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Spag Bol

Nana’s Spag Bol.

Still being spoilt! Got to love a good home made Spag Bol! Spaghetti Bolognaise has to be my fave Italian dish, which I’ll order every single time I dine at a new Italian Restaurant. I figure if they can’t make a good Spag Bol, then they can’t do anything else right! Right?!

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Miss Chu


Finally tried Miss Chu (@ Bondi Beach). Loved the vibe of the space, but the food wasn’t great, nor worth the money. If you’re after great Viet food you’re MUCH better off heading out West (but we all knew that already, right?!).

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Summer Daze


Soaked up some serious rays at Nielsen Park Beach on the Harbour last weekend. About time Sydney! Water was glorious and I’m well on the way to being the right shade of Indo brown again. :)

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Crispy fried Salmon Skin!

Fried rice.

Sushi Roulette. I FINALLY got the piece with heaps of Wasabi in it, but it didn’t phase me at all cause I fucking love heaps of Wasabi! What an anti-climax!

Atsuko worked on this project. This little lane’s parallel to Dixon St. What was a stinky, dirty lane is now a stinky pretty lane!

Dinner @ Wagaya with Nana, Atsuko and Stevey last night. Always fun. I didn’t drive, which is a rarity, but I didn’t drink either?! WTH right?

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Ho ho ho!

In situ. Now… what to load it up with?!

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Guard Rolling Day @ Zen Garage

Ray’s A3 looking great, finally some progress! Love the chunky 5-spoke rims, remind me of V8 Supercar rims from a few years back.

Justin’s MKIV R32 was first up, rear guards were slightly flared. The SSR’s are so hot right? I love Japanese rims on Euro cars :)


Anoop dropped in with this monster. A V12 Biturbo luxobarge. He took me for a spin in it… the seats bolster up and grip who when you corner (?!). Ridonkulous!

PhillB’s wheel caps. Old skool JDM rims, love the Engrish! Lodeo Drive!!!

Kevin’s hot MKVI GTI.

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Infront Presents at the Apple Store Sydney

Jon, Pip, Chris and Damien.

On the stage.

Our biggest crowd yet.

The Q&A session went on until night fell.

As usual we reserved a couple of tables, and had a bar tab running at Grasshopper for drinks and nibbles post event.

Last night saw our next instalment of Infront Presents at the Apple Store in Sydney – A Students Guide To Working In The Creative Industry. My INfront partner Damien moderated a panel discussion with Pip from The Loop, Jon from Tractor/ Mentally Friendly and Chris from Interbrand.

The chairs and panel discussion concept made for an awesome format. More relaxed, natural and fun than having speakers present a standing hour talk. We’re so glad Apple invited us back this year. More photos here. Keep an eye out for future Infront/Apple events on Australian INfront:

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From Poland with Love

I love freebies! :)

We’re always getting awesome surprises in the mail at Zen Garage. Today some rad stickers from Turbo Charged Life in Poland! Visit:

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Nanami’s B’day was a few weeks ago now. I completely underestimated how long things take to get here from Amsterdam. I was starting to think that the B’day pressie I got for her was either lost in the mail (I was fretting!), or perhaps customs had pulled it up thinking: hmmm, Amsterdam hey?!

Last night I had to apologise to Nanami about the lateness of my pressie, and that I’d have to chase it up today, funny then that when I rocked up to Zen this morning I found the parcel on my desk! Strange how it often works out this way with items I buy online (ie: just as I complain about not receiving an item it shows up on the day, or soon after).

Last night I’d thrown Nana off course when she tried to guess what her pressie was going to be (always fun!) but it was a treat to watch her open it up today. She loves it! :) It’s a noir piece by Amsterdam artist Sit, giclĂ©e print #30 of 35 and it’s a lot bigger than I expected! Can’t wait to see it framed!

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