Berowra Waters

This Easter the hardcore fishing crew hired out the Berowra Waters Penthouse, a lovely spot just an hour out of the city.

I had a lazy start on Friday, then made my way at around 11am and amazingly I didn’t come up against any traffic whatsoever. I did get a little lost once I got to Berowra Waters, and before I knew it I’d driven onto a ferry!

On the ferry!

I had to do a u-turn, then get back on the ferry (it’s a free ride). I then found a park (that took a while as Berowra Waters was so damn busy!) and without phone reception I started to get a little worried, but then I spotted Stevey and the guys just about to set off on the boat.

Stevey, it’s been a while! I pretty much dumped my bags and jumped right on the boat.

Colin & Julia.

The apartment we rented is the whole top floor of the Marina.

View of the marina from the lounge room.

Straight into the red!

Nem Nuong!

Scaredy Cat!

On the big boat, which is so much faster than the small boat!

Pulled Pork! Colin’s amazing, even without Mei (who sadly couldn’t make it this weekend).

Rosetta Rolls from Haberfield, slaw, home made aioli and pulled pork. Delish!

The morning after.


Morning view.

Zi’s scrambled eggs.

Morning tunes.

Zi, getting serious.

If you look closely you’ll see mullet everywhere.

The Marina. The smell of fish and chips is getting pretty hard to bare (but we must catch our own!).

Heading out.

Massive jelly fish everywhere.

Earlier at breakfast I brought up fishing licenses. I used to have one, and thought I’d not bother renewing it, but something made me whip out my laptop and buy a license. I took a shot of the receipt with my mobile, and an hour later on the water we had the fisheries inspectors check our licenses. Phew! :)

Julia caught this eel thing.

We went all the way out to Mooney Mooney Bridge with the small boat.

Trucks going past over the top of us on the F3.

David Chang eat your heart out! Colin’s amazing Pork-Belly Pork Bun!

Willy and Alice. Back out on the big boat but still not much luck. Willy brought up a legal sized flatty earlier in the day, but the rest of us have yet to catch anything legal and I’ve not caught a thing at all yet!

Willy Alice and Zi, calling it quits (for now).

Wagyu for dinner, so spoilt!

Supreme Coffee. PS: Happy 420!

Following this seaplane out, was pretty awesome watching them land and take off.

Soon after the above shot of the seaplane we got lucky with a bit of fishing. I finally pulled in a fish, my first was the smallest bream I’ve ever seen, then a tiny tailor, then another small brim, and my biggest fish of the day was a tailor but it wasn’t quite legal size so I had to let him back in. Julia managed to reel in 2 legal sized yellowtails though, that and she pulled in the most fish of the day!

The guys went out one last time and Gloria caught this big flatty!

So cute!

Cherry feeds standing up!

Colin had his pastrami on for hours.

Zi’s tempura yellowtail (caught by Julia) and flathead caught by Willy and Gloria. SO fresh, so good.

Accompanied by the best salad I’ve eaten all year. Couldn’t get enough of it!

Colin’s awesome pastrami!

Everyone felt like dessert, the boys had a brain storm and whipped up this awesome brad and butter pudding!

All in all it was perhaps the most challenging fishing trip we’ve been on as a group. Where were the fish?! We’re pretty sure they were there, but we just failed to find them. We ate amazingly well though thanks to Colin, and despite the fishing not being amazing the weather was. Ultimately I feel very much relaxed, and happy with the mini break.

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  1. Pingback: Eleebana Lake Macquarie Fishing Trip – Day 2 | Justin Fox

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