Cape Banks








Jess and I spent Valentines Day together last year, and completely by chance we’ve spent it together again this year!

Instead of dining fancy and blowing tons of cash (which we already did in Melbourne last week!) we had lunch at Shalom, probably my fave Indonesian restaurant as it’s cheap and cheerful and reminds me of street food back in Indo.

We then tried to get on Bare Island (I still hadn’t been), but oops, Sundays only! So whilst we were in the area we thought we’d go and check out Cape Banks.

Just next to the shipwreck we found a little penguin cowering under the rock. As soon as I saw him I knew something wasn’t right. He wasn’t exactly scared of us, and it wasn’t his home. I figured he was sick and most likely going to die overnight if left there. Jess being the good samaritan that she is decided to call Wires, and that led us on a wild goose chase to track down the right people to speak to in regards to saving this little dude. We finally got the right number for the local rangers but the phone rang through (no one picked up).

I was ready to give up at this stage, but Jess called one of the previous organisations she spoke to and asked to leave a message for the local rangers. We were walking back to the car when she got a call, which had us going all the way back to the shipwreck/penguin to give the rangers GPS co-ordinates off our phone, and photos of the penguin and it’s location under the rock too! Whether they saved him, or not, we won’t know but I’m sure Jess has stocked up on some good karma either way!

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