Catchup with Stevey

Here’s a guy I used to have breakfast with every morning, when he had a mobile job fixing servers. He’s been owned now for some time though, and I very rarely get to hang out anymore so Stevey and I hooked up for dinner last night.

Plan was to smash a Chicken Jaeger at Una’s but in the end we decided to drop in to Kelly’s in Bondi for ribs (I always think I’m going to run into friends Alan and Carmen when I go to Bondi! hehe). Kelly’s were on fire, ribs were crazy juicy and we were served by Christina’s favorite waiter, Orlando Bloom, who’s cut his hair, and is now wearing glasses so he doesn’t quite look like Orlando Bloom anymore, but it’s still service with a smile! The guy is a champ!

I failed to finish a small serving (so much meat on the bone!) and Stevey failed to finish a regular. He’s a hurricanes man, but I think he enjoyed the ribs at Kelly’s. I bet any money he’ll call me up in a month or so with a craving for ribs at Kelly’s.

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